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AoWC Contest

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  • AoWC Contest

    After sorting through 14,532 entries, I have decided upon the finalists for our Art of War Central server give-away from two months ago. Vote in the poll and tell us which is the best server name. The winner will get his own server for three months!

    contest sponsored by

    Art of War Central :: Low Ping Game Hosting

    Sorry that it took so long, but 14,532 entries is a lot of entires.

    Also I have two CS-Nation calendars that I want to give away but I'm kind of running out of time for them to be useful, so the first two American CS-Nationalists to e-mail me their address will win. The contest is finding my e-mail address, I guess. Update: Stealth Monkey and Nighthawk win!

  • #2
    Ok I'm really sorry about this taking so long but I didn't expect fourteen thousand entries.


    • #3
      Its my server and ill ban if i want to ? lmao

      That is the funniest title i have ever seen.


      • #4
        After looking over the "finalists" I have come to two conclusions:
          » There were 14,532 entries and those were the "best." That tells you something about the community right there.

          » Rizzuh did pick them...
        So it's either our community is incredibly devoid of humor and imagination or Riz was lazy and picked the first five that he saw. Both conclusions are equally plausible, I leave the choice to you.


        • #5
          Yes, my address has already been sent. Dunno if I was fast enough, but there's always hoping.

          I wasn't amused really by "Fraggin Under the Influence!" but the rest definitely had some humor in them. "It's my server and I'll ban if I want to" is definitely the most enjoyable, but "Bullets&Mullets, Inc." is the catchiest short and sweet name of the group.

          Sadly, I have to wonder how much of the community will get "SC DSYLEIXC SREAV", but I was cracking up.


          • #6
            Ok, i just sent an e-mail because im a loser and want a calandar from rizzuh.


            • #7
              Spoonman you can't really pack much funny or cleverness into 100 characters of text.

              These were the ones that I liked the best however my poor judgement skills cannot be blamed as a poll for 14000 entires is a bit extreme.


              • #8
                rizzuh said i lost!` :-c



                • #9
                  I wasn't really commenting on your abilities to judge humor. I was merely trying to be humorous by trying to accuse you of being lazy and picking the first five you saw, but I failed miserably.

                  I will try again, but on a different subject:

                  Sending Rizzuh your address so he knows exactly where you live is a bit disconcerting to me.


                  • #10
                    Spoonman wrote..

                    Sending Rizzuh your address so he knows exactly where you live is a bit disconcerting to me.
                    The funny thing is you can't find out where someone lives by their e-mail address. Otherwise I'd be killing these Nigerian scam artists right now...


                    • #11
                      omg they are all lame.. no vote


                      • #12
                        Against my better judgement I sent mine.... meh.... he'll probably stalk me. Whatever, he can stalk me, <plug>as long as he vists my newly redone in php site</plug> (look under my monkey pic for link). Wow I am desperate for hits.... ;O


                        • #13
                          Rizzuh im surprised that you would even attempt to post something that had to do with your opinion... some folks seem to think that you shouldnt do that on your website for some reason.

                          but i am glad that i didnt have to look through 14,532 entries if those were the best of the bunch.

                          i applaud your effort, you are a better man then i.


                          • #14
                            Thanks, mommy!


                            • #15
                              bkrose120 wrote..

                              The funny thing is you can't find out where someone lives by their e-mail address. Otherwise I'd be killing these Nigerian scam artists right now...
                              Someone obviously didn't realize that it wasn't an email address that was requested...

                              Added @ [time="1046158097"]

                              Update: Stealth Monkey and Nighthawk win!

