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HLamp 1.30 Out

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  • HLamp 1.30 Out

    Disk2 has released version 1.30 of his popular program, HLamp. If you haven't heard, HLamp is a WinAMP plugin that allows you to control Winamp inside of Half-Life. That means rock out to some happenin' tunes while fraggin' it up in your favorite Half-Life mod. Disk2 also took the time to release the source code, so if you're a developer you can check that out. You can find all of your downloads on the HLamp website.

    Update by rizzuh: If you use RzE's CS Helper you can download a compatibility update here, which allows HLamp and CS Helper to share the same command menu.[break="click here for changelog"]
    • added an in-game display for hlamp. this can display information about the current song, time, and date using hlamp's macros.

    • added a new mode to hlamp's auto-pause feature. users can now choose to have hlamp raise/lower winamp's volume when they die/spawn in counter-strike.

    • added several new macros to hlamp's scripting system. they are %pos%, %length%, %bitrate%, %freq%, %channels%, and %shortdate%.

    • added some new commands to hlamp. they are "playcd", "showgui", "hidegui", "displaycolor", and "help".

    • added two options to allow users to turn on/off the scripting and in-game display systems.

    • added an option that lets users choose whether or not they want the hlamp script to be placed in their half-life folder or their mod's folder.

    • added a nice text menu for use with hlamp. this should be convenient for people with already big command menus due to things like rze's cs helper. users of mods that do not support the command menu should also find this useful. thanks to boychie for writing the original script.

    • added an option that lets users control when auto-pause is applied. users can choose to have it applied immediately when they change the auto-pause mode or wait until they die or spawn.

    • fixed a bug that caused the hlamp script to not update properly when certain files were loaded. the bug may be displayed from time to time, but one cause of the bug has been fixed.

    • changed the hlamp command menu around a bit. i removed some menus that seem to be rarely used.

    • changed the hlamp configuration windows to be much more useful and visually appealing. the options are now divided into three categories: general, display, and scripting options.

    • changed the readme around quite a bit. the installation instructions should be a little easier to understand. also, the hlamp website now includes a lot more helpful information.

    • hlamp's source code, beginning with version 1.30, is available for download on the hlamp website. all i ask is a small line of credit if you use the code in your projects. that's not too much to ask, is it?

  • #2
    I've never seen the point in telling people what song you're listening to, either in IRC or (especially) in the middle of a computer game. I just don't understand why anyone would give a rats ass what song you're playing.

    The ability to control the music ingame however, is pretty neat.


    • #3
      narby wrote..

      I've never seen the point in telling people what song you're listening to, either in IRC or (especially) in the middle of a computer game. I just don't understand why anyone would give a rats ass what song you're playing.

      The ability to control the music ingame however, is pretty neat.
      I know most people hate that feature, but if I removed it people would start sending me hate mail (more than I get already). On the servers I frequent, people don't usually use it unless one person says what he is listening to...then 10-12 people spam the chat with their current song information.

      I think most people just use it to pause, play, stop, etc..


      • #4
        Hehe. Im never listening music while im playing. I cant concentrate! :]


        • #5
          Will this new HLAmp work with the BETA? I'm too lazy to find out.


          • #6
            Nah...when the Half-Life and Counter-Strike updates are officially released I will re-release HLamp. There are too many changes taking place with both to really keep up.


            • #7
              Oh Disk2, someone ain't no multitasker.


              • #8
                going off topic for a second, does anyone know what happened to the skins on this site?


                • #9
                  maybe disk 2 could work on the froends thing and make that work properl,or perhaps an m¤n interface, go on disk, i know you can do it, got to bee better than the friends crap!


                  • #10
                    Maybe he could make a program to convert Ghengis's replies to english.


                    • #11
                      I love HLamp, thanks Disk!


                      • #12
                        narby wrote..

                        Maybe he could make a program to convert Ghengis's replies to english.
                        Hahahaha, classic.


                        • #13
                          thank you will, we wub you


                          • #14
                            narby, that was pretty funny.

                            Ghengis, if you had connected about 8 hours ago, you'd have downloaded Platform v7 (which apparently isn't newsworthy on this site). Anyway, Friends seems to work now, though I'm still afraid to try playing CS until I redownload everything, as it keeps on giving me false positives, and I don't want the damn ban length to increase on me.
                            Disk2 wrote..

                            I know most people hate that feature, but if I removed it people would start sending me hate mail (more than I get already).
                            First off, let me state once again that you are the man! ...even if you are the cause of the horrible "I'm currently listening to Hanson - We're Ugly and Gay" spamming that happens in some servers. Luckily I haven't seen too much of it recently (probably by now most of the users have been flamed into submission), so I'm not overly concerned. HLamp rocks though, even if an earlier version required me to reinstall CS to prevent it from crashing every time a song changed, heh.

                            As far as the hate mail... heh, it's kind of funny in a way, isn't it? I mean, I get a low-average number of emails as a moderator, but once I started doing SotD reviews, my hate mail has probably tripled. It's rather amusing, to be honest. Most flamers seem to have no concept of "logic" or "the English language" and such.

                            Well, until you get a version for 1.6 going, I'll continue using my wonderful joystick control plugin to pause and switch songs with my Gravis gamepad. Ahh, the beauty of technology...

                            (A note about the SotD... we're having some technical difficulties with some of the site that pertains to the SotD section. And by "we" I of course mean "rizzuh," not "my tapeworm and I." So, it may be a bit before you're able to access it. I told DonnyOsmond to leave this model up over the weekend, so hopefully things will get worked out and you can start reviewing it and such.)


                            • #15
                              Am I the only one who doesn't like to listen to music while playing?

                              I can't concentrate that well, and I definitely can't do very well because it's impossible to listen for footsteps and other small things that really make a big difference. The only maps where I could see having music playing is the Iceworld or AWP maps. Even then it's bad because of all the gunfire; you can't even hear the songs!

