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3D Back in Running

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  • 3D Back in Running

    Quite predictably the CAL admins have bended the rules a bit and are allowing Team 3D to play in the CAL-i playoffs this Sunday. As we reported yesterday, Team 3D had dropped out of the playoffs due to scheduling conflicts. Now they're back, so our full bill of luck goes with them.

    In related news both CS-Nation and GotFrag have posted predictions for tonight's CAL-i wildcard playoff matches.

  • #2


    • #3
      PURE GAY.......


      • #4


        • #5
          yeah, saw that one coming a mile off....


          • #6
            Now here comes 100+ threads complaining about favourtism in the esports and cal websites.

            AND I predict several new bannings for cal members coming along soon.


            • #7
              once again, CAL being inconsistant with its calls.

              good to see 3D back in, but gLink got bumped down to CAL-O for a ringer. A CAL-M team got caught with a hacker and only got suspended for a week. now 3D is given special attention just cause of its name. Im sure if a low ranking cal-i team asked for it, it wouildnt be the same.

              Oh well it dont matter, gl hf to 3D

              im behind zEx all the way, always have been


              • #8
                a low ranking cal-i team wouldn't make the playoffs.


                • #9
                  Edited by [user="10379"] @ [time="1046741840"]

                  I think the bigger picture that all of us have to realize is that if we ever want gaming to be considered a true sport like so many do, then when opportunities like this come along then they have to jump on them. What would get the CS community more attention; playing in the CAL-i finals or being on TV where they can keep the name of a 4 year old game in the lime-light?

                  Personally I thought it would be pretty ignorant of CAL officials not to let 3D be in the playoffs due to getting air-time for the game that Frank and his team are fighting so hard to get noticed as a real sport.

                  Personally, I could care less if "Gaming" ever became a professional sport where people could actually live off of it due to the fact that I'm well past those years where I could persue something as fun as that. But, I could see how it would be an attractive thing to many and to keep pace with such countries as Japan and the Euros, both of which have a huge following for gaming that is very public.

                  GJ CAL!


                  • #10
                    Cool beans!


                    • #11
                      gg double standard


                      • #12
                        wow whatta load of crap. CAL shouldn't bend their rules just 'cause a high-ranked team wants to go do a promo thingie.


                        • #13
                          but isnt the promo thing for the screensavers on techtv? if thats true, then CAL, and most likely the CPL as well, will get promotion, which is what they need most of all. so, they are willing to bend the rules for some exposition. no harm, no foul


                          • #14
                            superm0nk wrote..

                            a low ranking cal-i team wouldn't make the playoffs.
                            Stop clouding the issue with facts!


                            • #15
                              screensavers punked these guys. didn't give them near enough screen here to let em know what you thing...

