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CAL-i Round 2 Playoffs

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  • CAL-i Round 2 Playoffs

    Tonight 3D appears on TechTV and the playoffs continue tonight on de_train. Also, superm0nk joins me in predictions tonight. Let's analyze the matches![break="Read more"]Matches are on de_train. I had the pleasure of having superm0nk join me tonight in predictions and some comments.

    Green Berets vs zEx

    Sublyme: This match is a no-contest in zEx's favor. I really can't say a lot about it because zEx went 16-0 this season of CAL and GB is still a rookie team. I don't see zEx being knocked out this round.

    zEx -over- Green Berets :: 17-7

    superm0nk: It's very clear who the favorite is here, and for good reason. zEx went undefeated in this CAL-i season, and they're not going to look back now. Green Berets have surprised a lot of people this season, and they've certainly impressed me. zEx will just be too powerful here, but I think GB will take enough rounds to make this match interesting.

    zEx -over- GB :: 15-9

    And GB-Rector had this to add...
    Last time we went up against them on train, we made a few mistakes that had a huge effect on the outcome of the match, mainly letting Lektrik take the 3v1 to win CT pistol round. Hopefully we can play as well as we did last time, but correct our mistakes this time around.
    Team TEC vs Biodegradable Heroes

    Sublyme: This is an interesting match. Earlier in the season BiO managed to take out TEC 15-9, but TEC has really come a long way this season. They've become very solid in their teamwork and play and have even knocked out 3D (but then again, who hasn't upset them this season?). I think TEC will still take this in the end, to the dismay of BiO.

    Team TEC -over- Biodegradable Heroes :: 15-9

    superm0nk: Ah, this is the match I want to watch. TEC had an absolutely great season. BiO had a fairly nice season, and really surprised me compared to last season's dismal finish. I could see BiO putting up a few more rounds, if McCrary and Co. are in tune, but I think it's TEC's match to win tonight.

    tec -over- BiO :: 16-8

    Gamers-X vs WeekEnd Warriors

    Sublyme: Well this will be the 4th time they'll meet this season, and all 3 previous times WEW came up short to be defeated by GX. It's almost like a precedent has been set. But the playoffs are a whole new season with a clean slate and I called that WEW would go farther and I still believe they will. So I may get some flack but I'm calling this one in WEW's favor.

    WEW -over- Gamers-X :: 14-10

    superm0nk: Definetely the match of the night. Two of the premier teams in CAL-i face off once again. GX has beaten WEW a couple times this season, but I think WEW will turn it around here and snag a close victory. This is a match that could really go either way, so good luck to both teams. My money, however, is still on WEW.

    WEW -over- GX :: 13-11

    Cockzilla is quite an interesting character...
    In times of battle WeekEnd Warriors feast only on the babies of our enemies.
    3D vs Ascension

    Sublyme: This match will be taking place sunday because tonight 3D is appearing on TechTV's The Screensavers. I think Ascension is a powerful team and with the way 3D has been dropping games this season I wouldn't be at all surprised to have an Ascension victory. But, 3D isn't dumb and they raise the bar when they know something is on the line. Therefore 3D has this one.

    3D -over- Ascension :: 14-10

    superm0nk: Yeah, yeah 3D has "struggled" as of late. So they dropped a few matches, who cares? They were having a few troubles that no one could control. They'll be bringing their A game tonight and get a fairly impressive victory. Ascension had a great rookie season, and will definetely be a top contender next year, but their time to exit is tonight.

    3D -over- Ascension :: 15-9

    Regarding the dragonclaw iview that was right here, there was some miscommunication and so it has been removed.

    I'll be posting updates tonight as they come in. For those who want to watch the last round of playoffs, here are some hltv demos.

    e7 vs BiO

    GB vs tsg

    aoX vs Ascension

    WEW vs Pinnacle

    I'll link the hltv demos of tonight when they're up. TSN will be having shoutcasts of the zEx and WEW matches. If you'd like to watch IRC scorebots on gamesnet, here's the info:

    8:30 PM CST

    zEx vs. GB - #calcast

    TEC vs. BiO - #calcast2

    9:30 PM CST

    GX vs. W.E.W - #calcast3

  • #2


    • #3
      Somebody forgot to close their underline tag!

      Darn, its fixed.


      • #4
        yeah crazy bug, somehow spread from more than one post. i resolved it.


        • #5
          GX vs WEW, that should be a great match to watch. i wouldnt be surpised though if the finals go on to be only experienced CAL-I teams, excluding all new teams this season

          also having supermonk and subbeh both comment is kinda neat, maybe it can kinda become a ebert/roeper kind of thing :P


          • #6
            All i have to say is FIGHT THE POWER to dragonclaw even though i like 3d thats very unfair to ascension


            • #7
              GB > zEx, I have complete faith they are gonna win, and even if they don't I'll still support them cause they own :d Go green b's!


              • #8
                DragonClaw, you're just mad because your know your reign will end on Sunday but I see your point but I'm not exactly sure I agree with it.


                • #9
                  I certainly feel for DragonClaw, but I don't think any sort of forfeit in the playoffs would have added much to this season of CAL-i play.


                  • #10
                    They are breaking their own rules; they made the rule is playoff matches CAN'T be rescheduled yet they rescheduled the match FOR us without even informing us.
                    I agree with this totally. I understand that 3D is a big and top US team, but they resigned from CAL Playoffs on their own will, knowing the circumstances, and I don't see why CAL should bend the rules JUST BECAUSE 3D is 3D.


                    • #11
                      So is HeatoN playing?


                      • #12
                        any chance of getting a link to an archived .avi file of the 3D tech tv appearance after it's over?


                        • #13
                          That sucks for DragonClaw. They actually could have gotten past round 1 in the playoffs if CAL didn't reschedule but oh well. Team 3D are CPL champions and therefore will get some perks. Try not to get blown out.


                          • #14
                            Pap1sTe wrote..

                            any chance of getting a link to an archived .avi file of the 3D tech tv appearance after it's over?
                            they didnt show that much, just a few seconds worth of actual game play (i stopped watching about 45 minutes into the show).. just talked a little and named everyone. compusa and nvidia sponsoring 3D didnt sound to shabby until they busted out the shirts with team3d logo on them and the representative says 'HEY RETARD HOST OF THIS SHOW! YOU CAN BEE 1337 AND BECUM AN HONORARY MEMBAR!' that one aging guy whose chubby is pretty funny but he can be so fkin retarded. anyway, they didnt show too much and while who was it, bullseye or kane? he was running with his knife out and the host guy goes 'dude you might want to buy something bettre than a knife' i hadn't laughed that hard since 1999 :X


                            • #15
                              superm0nk sez:
                              BiO had a fairly nice season, and really surprised me compared to last season's dismal finish.
                              according to BiO's website, they made the CAL-i playoffs last season too. it was their first time in CAL-i and they went 10-6, just like this season. how is that "dismal?"

                              sublyme: good call on W.E.W vs. GX. =)

