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CAL-I Week 5:1 Results

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  • CAL-I Week 5:1 Results

    The CAL-invite division had some very intense games last night. Playing their first game of the week on de_cbble. Lets take a look at the results, records, and the spread of my predictions.[break="Click for the results"]shockwave (2-7) vs The Speakeasy Offensive (1-8) - Shockwave won this despite TSO keeping it fairly close all night long.

    My Prediction: TSO -over- Shock :: 14-10

    Final Score: Shock -over- TSO :: 15-9 (8-4CT) (7-5T) Spread: -5

    Hicks With Sticks (4-5) vs frag university (3-6) - The [hs] team was able to handle fu| pretty dominantly in this one taking both sides by a good margin.

    My Prediction: [hs] -over- fu| :: 15-9

    Final score: [hs] -over- fu| :: 16-8 (8-4CT) (8-4T) Spread: -1

    Texas Area Untouchables (5-4) vs High-Tech Performance (3-6) - TAU blowing out htp in this one and finally getting above the .500 mark.

    My Prediction: TAU -over- htp| :: 14-10

    Final Score: TAU -over- htp| :: 19-5 (11-1CT) (8-4T) Spread: -5

    TEAM STOMPING GROUNDS (5-3-1) vs Ascension (5-4) - A convincing win for TSG in this one with some interesting comments in the post game comment section: "Comments WOW CAL SERVERS RESTART! MID GAME!"

    My Prediction: TSG -over- |a*| :: 15-9

    Final Score: TSG -over- |a*| :: 18-6 (8-4CT) (10-2T) Spread: -3

    Domain of Pain (4-5) vs WeekEnd Warriors (8-1) - DoP was able to get a few more rounds in this one than I thought they would, but the Kye/Doyle combination of WeW proved to be too much for them.

    My Prediction: WeW -over- DoP :: 18-6

    Final Score: WeW -over- DoP :: 16-8 (8-4T) (8-4CT) Spread: +2

    Demo: HLTV

    Green Berets (3-6) vs In for Blood (5-4) - GB came out with 5 players and on fire, winning this match very convincingly.

    My Prediction: GB -over- ifb :: 14-10

    Final Score: GB -over- ifb :: 19-5 (11-1CT) (8-4T) Spread: -5

    Excess (3-6) vs New Expert Gamers (2-7) - A really close match here with NEG taking the early lead and ExS battling back.

    My Prediction: ExS -over- NEG :: 17-7

    Final Score: ExS -over- NEG :: 13-11 (4-8CT) (9-3T) Spread: +4

    Eternal Silence (3-6) vs Team Rival (3-6) - It looks like the new additions of Faheem and Bloodshot really helped out Rival. Hopefully they can make a run at the playoffs now, but a divisional win will be quite hard with WeW and GX atop their division at the moment.

    My Prediction: Rival -over- eS :: 16-8

    Final Score: Rival -over- eS :: 19-5 (11-1T) (8-4CT) Spread: -3

    Demo: Rival|McDermott

    RiotSquad vs nerve - Evidently the match wasn't scheduled early enough and no server was open at match time. Comments reading: "This match will be played. No forfeit. Servers are to be reserved 24 hours before match."

    Echo 7 (8-1) vs Gamers-X (9-0) - GX taking out e7 in this one, joining zEx as the only undefeated teams this season.

    My Prediction: GX -over- e7 :: 15-9

    Final Score: GX -over- e7 :: 16-8 (8-4T) (8-4CT) Spread: -1

    utopian (2-7) vs Team c[h]ikara (0-9) - My prediction read that "C[h]ikara...will get their first win of the season in this match." Unfortunately, I was wrong on this one with utp picking up a close win. C[h]ikara has yet to pick up a win this season.

    My Prediction: C[h]ikara -over- utp :: 18-6

    Final Score: utp -over- C[h]ikara :: 13-11 (9-3CT) (4-8T) Spread: -7

    zEx (9-0) vs Team NetZone (7-2) - This was aeakos's match of the night but it was a bit strange. This taken from the gotFrag comments: "Servers crashed at 6-1, zEx won pistol and Forsaken left."

    My Prediction: zEx -over- NetZone :: 14-10

    Final Score: zEx -over- NetZone :: 17-7 (6-6CT) (11-1T) Spread: -3

    Demo: HLTV

    Biodegradable Heroes (7-2) vs TEC (7-2) - Bio handing TEC their second loss of the season here with a very impressive performance by SpYdeR of Bio.

    My Prediction: TEC -over- Bio :: 16-8

    Final Score: Bio -over- TEC :: 15-9 (11-1CT) (4-8T) Spread: -7

    Demo: HLTV & Bio-SpYdeR

    Team 3D (8-1) vs art of eXecution (5-4) - 3D won their CT side very convincingly (10-2) and only needed to pick up 3 on T side.

    My Prediction: 3D -over- aoX :: 15-9

    Final Score: 3D -over- aoX :: 17-7 (10-2CT) (7-5T) Spread: -2

    Demo: HLTV

    issues with authority (2-7) vs Legends (2-3) - Legends came out firing in this one. iwa in a rebuilding season and not exactly able to put big numbers on the board.

    My Prediction: LgD -over- iwa :: 17-7

    Final Score: LgD -over- iwa :: 21-3 (10-2T) (11-1CT) Spread: -4

    Demo: LgD-Lee

    iLanGamers (4-5) vs Pinnacle (5-4) - iLAN picking up a big win here in what I would consider an upset. This game went into a very close overtime battle.

    My Prediction: P~ -over- iLAN :: 15-9

    Final Score: iLAN -over- P~ :: 16-14 (8-4CT) (4-8T) (4-2OT) Spread: -7

    Predictions(# Right/# Total Matches Played): 11/15(Pending Outcome of rs/nerve match)

    Total Spread: -47 or an average of -3.133/match winner

  • #2
    who or what is this aeakos fellow


    • #3
      zEx still undefeated, woooooooo

      The server crash freaked me out though, at first i thought it was my leet imac crashing on me.

      (i dont use an iMac, well i wipe my ass with it sometimes but thats all )


      • #4
        I am the new E-sports guy for CS-Nation. ;D


        • #5


          • #6
            Hey SinaC, are you coming back to write for CSN again?

            btw, aeakos, good job . I want Team 3D


            • #7
              Alienmorph wrote..

              . I want Team 3D
              Are you sure you have enough lovin' for thewhole clan?


              • #8
                aeakos: very gj on the predictions and follow up, this is the most indepth coverage i think i have ever seen. gj. looking forward to more aeakos action!

                what do you think about the 3D vs WEW match coming up?


                • #9
                  nice job aeakos., u must really like e-sports


                  • #10
                    I think the match up of 3D vs WeW will be very interesting. Depending on how much preperation 3D puts into an online match and the fact that it is de_cbble, WeW could find itself on top if it plays like it has the past 3 to 4 matches.


                    • #11
                      jesus another close one for Chikara they can't get a damn break can they?


                      • #12
                        Alienmorph wrote..

                        Hey SinaC, are you coming back to write for CSN again?
                        no. at least not until the summer then maybe but i dont think rish likes me and superm0nk hates me sooo

                        o and its WEW last time i checked~


                        • #13
                          Since when do you capitolize "end" in "week-end"? Oh right, never.


                          • #14
                            Since they've always worn their tag WEW or W.E.W... that's when. (Not to mention when he actually writes it out, he writes it as WeekEnd Warriors.)


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the tip.

