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Mini-Goose interview

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  • Mini-Goose interview

    Well HanzGrueber e-mailed goose with a few Q's and then sent us the complied Q's some are interesting so I'll just post'm all here

    HanzGruber : Will you bring back the vote kick? (without it we are all doomed to play with nobs and fuckwits...and laggers worst of all)

    Gooseman : hmm.. maybe I will.

    HanzGruber : Will you speed up that damn mp5 and awp again? (they used to rock..but now I feel like I am throwing the bullets...)

    Gooseman : The mp5 was NEVER slowed down in any BETA version.. It's been the same since B1. As for the AWP.. well, that's a controversial issue.. I *might* speed it up a bit though..

    HanzGruber : Will you be implementing some sort of map voting system into the server people can vote for the next map?

    Gooseman : A map voting system would be nice.. I agree... I'll have to look into it.. see if it's not too much of a bitch to code.

    HanzGruber : What we really need is a new grenade that has a definite impact...Any chance of putting in some sort of tear gas grenade?

    Gooseman : Tear gas would be cool if I could implement it properly... we'll see.

    on a side note i finally got my 3Com 3c509-tp today. so i'll be uploading the cs-art stuff as soon as i'm back from class.

    /me kisses 3Com for making a good NIC.