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Scribblenauts Lead Designer Forms New Studio - Echohead Games

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  • Scribblenauts Lead Designer Forms New Studio - Echohead Games

    Matt Cox, the former Lead Designer behind Scribblenauts, has formed a new studio with a focus on AAA gaming. Echohead Games will be "dedicated to producing innovative and genre-bending console and PC games." Their first game is said to be an unexpected resurrection of "a familiar franchise"
    "I love to take calculated risks with twists that appeal to both my mainstream nerves as well as my indie instincts,” says Cox. “I love designing core gameplay that can be fun in its simplicity, but has the depth to hook my hardcore side."

    Aware of how volatile studios can be to sustain, Echohead plans to release at least one game each year to provide consistent revenue streams and stability for the internal teams. Varying from smaller experimental titles to medium online multiplayer titles to full breadth AAA action titles, Echohead will push the boundaries in different spaces.

    “I find games like Her Story, Rocket League, and Rise of the Tomb Raider profoundly inspiring for very different reasons,” says Cox. “I want Echohead to be known for twisting the AAA landscape as well as venturing into completely uncharted territory with more experimental games.”

    Cox says that they will have a major focus on gameplay as "gameplay is king."