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Sierra Returns with New King's Quest and... Geometry Wars 3?

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  • Sierra Returns with New King's Quest and... Geometry Wars 3?

    Activision's plans for the return of Sierra are both sensible and completely out of left field. It was revealed today that the undead studio will be working on publishing a new King's Quest game! That's the sensible news.

    The weird news is that the studio will also be working on publishing Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions.

    The Odd Gentlemen, the studio behind The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom will be the development studio working on the new King's Quest title. It will be a fully reimagined take on the original series. The new King's Quest is slated for a vague 2015 release on Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and Steam.

    Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions is being developed by Studio Lucid Games. This team has only really a handful of mobile titles in the past. Geometry Wars 3 will feature 50 different challenges, 10 different battle modes, and a single player campaign. Platforms were not specified outside of saying it's coming to "more platforms than ever before." I guess two is more than one, so that's not really saying much.