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Adam "Deal With It" Orth is Making His Own Game

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  • Adam "Deal With It" Orth is Making His Own Game

    Adam Orth, the former Creative Director at Microsoft is now working on his own game. Orth, whom you may recall was last seen running his mouth off on Twitter about how gamers should "deal with it" (it being the always-on Xbox One) was fired following his very public attack on the gaming community.

    You know, this guy.

    Well, he's still trying to ride on his long expired 15 minutes of fame and is now promoting his new game. The game is called >Adr1ft. No, those are not typos. Kotaku has the exclusive first report on the game.
    >Adr1ft is a non-violent first-person game that poses the player as an astronaut who begins the game floating above Earth amid the debris of a mostly-wrecked space station. It exists now only as a 10-week prototype that Orth is hoping to get funded. Orth's studio partner, Omar Aziz, played through it for me.

    >Adr1ft is meant to be a quiet and lovely game with exploration and puzzles, a combination, as Orth describes it, of the acclaimed immersive first-person shooter Half-Life, the beloved, surreal nature-walk of a game Journey and the movie Gravity, which is also about a person adrift in space.

    Kotaku says that the game could be better described as a "FPX" or "first-person experience." They also say that the game is being designed to last about three hours long and will be designed to work with the Oculus Rift VR headset. >Adr1ft is slated for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam, PC, and Mac.