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Valve Announces Steam Greenlight - Get the Games You Like Officially Added to Steam

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  • Valve Announces Steam Greenlight - Get the Games You Like Officially Added to Steam

    Valve has just taken off the veil from Steam Greenlight, an upcoming system that will put more power than ever into the hands of the consumer as they decide which games are added to Steam and which are not.

    Steam Greenlight is a new system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the next games to be released on Steam. Developers post information, screenshots, and videos for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution. Steam Greenlight also helps developers get feedback from potential customers and start creating an active community around their game as early in the development process as they like.(...)

    I know of a game that should be here. What do I do?
    Go contact the game developer and suggest that they submit their game here for consideration.
    There's a game on Greenlight that I really want to see succeed. What can I do?

    Go tell your friends, just don't be annoying about it.

    How do I report a fake/fraudulent/malicious game in Greenlight?
    When you're looking at the page for a game in Greenlight, there is a 'Report' right next to the rating buttons, below the screenshots. Please report the item and tell us why you're doing so.

    How many votes does a game need to get selected?
    It's going to change during the first few days/weeks since we don't know what kind of traffic to expect. Part of the drive for this system is the need for customers to help us prioritize which games they want to see made available on Steam. So the specific number of votes doesn't matter as much as relative interest in a game compared with other games in Steam Greenlight.

    We're going to be reaching out to developers as we see their games getting traction regardless of whether they have achieved a specific number of votes or are sitting 1st or 2nd place at any given time. We are most interested in finding the games that people want, not requiring them to always hit a specific number of votes.

    This is just a small sample from their early FAQ about the new initiative. Slated to arrive at the end of August, Steam Greenlight is already generating some discussions both amongst gamers and developers.

    Good, bad? What do you think about this idea? Be sure to sound off on our forums after you read through the entire FAQ for Steam Greenlight!