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Article: Update: Baldur's Gate Now With 100% More Teaser and 100% More Trailer

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  • Article: Update: Baldur's Gate Now With 100% More Teaser and 100% More Trailer

    Update: It seems as though the following trailer was fan made and not associated with the teasing that Trent Oster and crew have been doing. Oster went on Twitter to state that it's not their work.

    Looks like someone cut a video for the #baldursgate thing going on. Not us, we'd have stuck logos everywhere ;-)

    Our apologies for any unnecessary soiled pants this may have caused you.

    Original story: Following yesterday's rather cryptic reveal of the Baldur's Gate website, a new teaser has gone up in the form of a trailer. It doesn't show much and frankly it answers next to nothing while raising all new questions. It's like an episode of Lost. Lost is still topical, right?

    Frankly, we don't even have confirmation that this teaser is in anyway official or just some fan project. Trent Oster, who is leading the teasing has remained suspiciously quiet about this alleged teaser trailer today.