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Guild Wars 2 Makes Server Queues a Thing of the Past

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  • Guild Wars 2 Makes Server Queues a Thing of the Past

    Are you as hyped up for Guild Wars 2 as I am? Great! You will also be just as excited to hear that ArenaNet is making sure that server queues are no longer something to worry about in the MMO world.

    A forum posting by ArenaNet's Martin Kerstein earlier today noted that if your particular server is full, there is a special overflow server that will ensure you can play exactly when you want to.

    Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server.

    That sounds amazing. If you've ever played an MMO of any kind, you know what a pain waiting in line to play can be. ArenaNet is doing a fantastic job with trying to avoid common issues from other games, a step that other developers should make a note of.