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$200 Million - The Cost of a High-Profile MMO Such as Star Wars: The Old Republic

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  • $200 Million - The Cost of a High-Profile MMO Such as Star Wars: The Old Republic

    The L.A. Times took a look at the history behind the game that would become Star Wars: The Old Republic. While the entire article is quite the interesting read, a notable fact stands out among the rest.

    The Old Republic, through its six year development, cost nearly $200 million. That would be $200,000,000 for those who like a lot of 0's in their numbers.

    It may be the largest entertainment production in history. More than 800 people on four continents have spent six years and nearly $200 million creating it. The story runs 1,600 hours, with hundreds of additional hours still being written. Nearly 1,000 actors have recorded dialogue for 4,000 characters in three languages.

    The narrative is so huge that writers created a 1,000-page “bible” to keep the details straight, and the director recently asked a colleague not to spoil moments he hadn’t yet seen.

    It’s not a movie or a TV series. It’s Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most expensive, ambitious and riskiest video game ever produced.

    Not too shabby for one development studio there. Now, that $200 million isn't a final figure. There will be more invested in further development including patches and the almost guaranteed releases of expansions or additional content packs. The only question now is if they'll manage to recoup those costs through purchases of the game and monthly subscribers.