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Gamespy Interview with Robert Bowling about Modern Warfare 3 for PC

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  • Gamespy Interview with Robert Bowling about Modern Warfare 3 for PC


    GameSpy: With the server browser, are you going to be able to sort by region or is it ping based?

    Robert Bowling: Right now I think it's just ping based.

    GameSpy: Have you made any changes to the matchmaking algorithms this time around?

    Robert Bowling: Yeah we have. We always do a lot of work in that, especially speaking specifically to Australian gamers, we took a ton of feedback coming out of Modern Warfare 2 on how we could optimize matchmaking for local regions like what it prioritizes, because you can't prioritize across the board, saying this is how matchmaking works for everybody. That inherently isn't fair because everyone doesn't have the same sort of connection. An Australian player playing with a US player isn't the same as a US player connecting with a US player.
    So we've changed the way things are prioritized so it's not just based on ping. It should allow people in Australia or another country to have a better experience, rather than being at the will of one American host who comes in and takes over everything.

    GameSpy: Sure. Now you mentioned there that users can set up their own dedicated servers. Will they still be ranked servers or are they unranked?

    Robert Bowling: That's something that hasn't been decided yet. It's something that we're working out.

    GameSpy: It's kind of a big deal for you guys to go back to a dedicated server model after Modern Warfare 2's system. Can you give us some kind of insight in the decision making process that went behind that? Were there a lot of discussions around this choice?

    Robert Bowling: There were. I mean, in every aspect of Modern Warfare 3 it was about looking at our player feedback, what they wanted. More importantly, in every aspect from gameplay to dedicated servers, it was about giving more options, more control to our players, to have the experience that they want to have. So coming out of Modern Warfare 2 it was pretty clear what our PC audience was looking for and what direction they wanted us to go in. The conversation was pretty straight forward because we knew what they wanted and we wanted to execute on that.

    GameSpy: Was part of the decision to go with the Modern Warfare 2's model to do with piracy? What was the driving force behind removing dedicated servers?

    Robert Bowling: In Modern Warfare 2 it was multiple things. As our first time going to Steam, it was our first time doing a lot of different things like adding in the matchmaking. It was about trying to control the experience ourselves, doing things like VAC and introducing things that we thought would be the first step in improving the experience overall. We wanted to unify the experience across every platform but it was always intended to be the first step in a series in what IWNet would become. So we looked at how that performed and regretfully there were a lot of things that it didn't achieve that we wanted it to achieve. Things like making it as secure as it can be - Modern Warfare 2 had a lot of problems with cheating and hacking, especially on the PC, that VAC didn't fully take care of. As a result we've done a lot of work on Modern Warfare 3 on the back end. We are still using VAC in Steam but in addition to that we've done much more work on the backend, locking down our stuff to make it more secure, to make sure we have more flexibility on addressing things like that ourselves rather than just relying on some third party anti-cheat program.

    GameSpy: Heh, you're taking my next question which was about the cheat prevention this time around! How have the processes and technology changed for Modern Warfare 3 when it comes to preventing cheats?

    Robert Bowling: There's been a lot of work put into it. I can't go into specifics. On a general high level area there's so much more stuff that we've locked down and made less accessible than we had before. A lot of stuff that we stripped out, a lot more challenge response things that we're doing in addition to…

    GameSpy: Challenge response things?

    Robert Bowling: Challenge response things. I can't go into detail on it but it's about verifying what the code is supposed to be and what the code actually is on the client side, and making sure that those are aligned. It's also about our ability to take action when stuff is wrong so we've done a lot of work in our ability to update the game more quickly and efficiently than we have before.

    You can read the rest of the questions on the article below.

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

  • #2
    Re: Gamespy Interview with Robert Bowling about Modern Warfare 3 for PC

    Originally posted by CptainCrunch
    GameSpy: Sure. Now you mentioned there that users can set up their own dedicated servers. Will they still be ranked servers or are they unranked?[/B]

    Robert Bowling: That's something that hasn't been decided yet. It's something that we're working out.
    This will be the key
    Battlelog/Origin ID - Hurricane043


    • #3
      server browser? really? I'll wait and see.

