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Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

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  • Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

    This article from Planet Battlefield has this:

    The Project Reality team figured out how to create a 128 player server in Battlefield 2, and filled it up with real players. It still has some bugs and needs some work, but it does appear to work. The guy running the server said there was a 9MB upload per second @ 128 players.


    The Release Manager for Project Reality, AncientMan, had this to say as well:
    Alright guys, we should have enough data for the moment, so we're going to shut down testing. Thanks for everyone who joined the server, helping us achieve the milestone.

    If we manage to get some other problems fixed, like the nametag issue, then we might have another round of testing, but for the moment, we've got everything we need. We'll then be going internal, and work hard on developing a lot of things to be able to support 128 players (or whatever number we decide upon), and still have some great gameplay to go along with it.

    This process will take a long time, it'll be some hard work for many months, so don't expect anything released soon. It's doubtful that this will be included in the next version (v0.96 it's called at the moment), but perhaps it might be in the version after that. This is because of the sheer amount of thought and development we need to go through, sort out a bunch of issues, etc. It's not a simple overnight thing we're talking about. We're talking about going through every part in the game and making it work 100% with the increased amount of players, and there's a lot of stuff in the game.

    So anyway, I'd like to thank the [NEW] community, in particular BloodyDeed and Madcop, for providing the server and being constantly active to apply new tests and fix issues faced. Also, stay tuned for possibly future tests, and for more information regarding this in the months to come, thanks guys

    - The Project Reality Team


    Reading through the forums at Project Reality, it looks like a lot of work has been done to make this test possible. It also seems to be some time away from this becoming a reality (pun intended).
    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

  • #2
    Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

    but there must be even bigger maps1!111!!!


    • #3
      Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

      Project Reality, in the forums, mentioned that they will work on that as well. Its a lot of work though. The maps are designed for half that size so there has to be larger boundries, more spawn points, and more vehicles.

      Its a very big undertaking.

      Twitter: @CptainCrunch
      Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


      • #4
        Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

        Originally posted by CptainCrunch
        Project Reality, in the forums, mentioned that they will work on that as well. Its a lot of work though. The maps are designed for half that size so there has to be larger boundries, more spawn points, and more vehicles.

        Its a very big undertaking.


        true. it already had huge maps, i had to use some fix before so bf would use all my ram, otherwise id had to run textures on medium due to the size of the map and the fact it would slow down so mutch. Once 128 players and bigger maps come out it will be mutch heavier


        • #5
          Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

          That looks awesome. But sadly, with our terrible internet, only the planned (if the current government stays in, which may not be likely) fibre optic network would be able to support Project reality of this magnitude


          • #6
            Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

            PR always bring awesome things. It would be nice to see 128 players in FH2 too. Even Vanilla BF2, imagine the beginning of Strike at Karkand with 128 players... Ok maybe not vanilla.


            • #7
              Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

              Yeah, think of 128 grenades in the air AT THE SAME TIME!

              It would be awesome to see 128 jets and helis in the air at the same time.

              Twitter: @CptainCrunch
              Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


              • #8
                Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

                Originally posted by CptainCrunch
                Yeah, think of 128 grenades in the air AT THE SAME TIME!

                It would be awesome to see 128 jets and helis in the air at the same time.

                Here :nod:


                • #9
                  Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

                  Thanks Leopardi,

                  It looked pretty cool, but I thought it would last a little longer then that

                  I liked all the ejected pilots in the end

                  Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                  Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                  • #10
                    Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

                    Wow that was pretty cool, he must've had a fricking super computer to run that so smoothly.


                    • #11
                      Wait so our internet connections need 9MB/s upload to play this?!


                      • #12
                        I think he means you need 9mb/s to host it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

                          Originally posted by jimykx

                          but there must be even bigger maps1!111!!!

                          It said for BF2, not BF3. They figured out a way to make it work in BF 2. I read somewhere that PR isn't going to be working on any mods for BF3.


                          • #14
                            Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

                            That may be true with as much time invested in PR, but its easy to say that with no confirmation of mod tools. With all the features they would have available to them, it would be very tempting to make a PR3.

                            Or not, maybe they think like artists and their art would be tainted by being brought over

                            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                            • #15
                              Re: Project Reality Working on 128 Man Servers

                              Probably because it's pretty much a finished product for BF2, also moving to BF3 would split their community.

                              Maybe if it was still a mini-mod.

