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'Call Of Duty: Black Ops' Zombie Map, 'Ascension,' Details Spilled

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  • 'Call Of Duty: Black Ops' Zombie Map, 'Ascension,' Details Spilled has a large write up on the upcoming zombie map, Ascention:

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

    Are you hopelessly addicted to the zombie survival mode in "Call of Duty: Black Ops"? Do you know off the top of your head what the most number of rounds you've lasted is, and on which map? 45 rounds on "Five," in case you were wondering. If you're obsessed as I am, then you'll be excited to read this news: details on the upcoming "First Strike" DLC map pack's (out February 1) lone zombie map, "Ascension"!

    I feel like someone might have pressed the wrong button at IGN UK, because I haven't seen this news reported anywhere else. There's a tiny mention of "Ascension" on the official "Black Ops" website -- it's set in a "Soviet launch facility" -- along with the screenshot pictured above. The IGN UK posting offers more detail, including new weapons, new perks and a new enemy. Here we go.

    "Ascension" is described as being set in "an abandoned Soviet cosmodrome." Your four zombie hunters are the series regulars -- Takeo, Nikoli, Dempsey and Rictoffen -- as opposed to the historical figures who fight the hordes on the game's "Five" map.

    The post reveals that there are "new enemies," plural, but only identifies one: SPACE MONKEYS! Probably the Cosmic Silverback seen in "Dead Ops Arcade." Like the miserable weapon-stealing scientist from "Five," the space monkey enemy in "Ascension" throws a new wrinkle into the game: he steals your perks!

    Speaking of perks, there are a few new ones. No word either way on whether the usual perks will be returning -- I'd guess yes with a fair amount of certainty -- but the two new ones are called Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper. My guess is that Stamin-Up is synonymous with the competitive multiplayer mode's Marathon perk, which increases sprint time. No clue about PhD Flopper though. Maybe it extends the amount of time you can be downed while waiting for a revival? Or... nope, no clue.

    But wait! There's more! New weapons! Two are revealed; more aren't exactly hinted at, but IGN writes that "new weapons include..." which could indicate the presence of others as well. The two they name are the Gersch Device, or "Black Hole Bomb," and, oddly, Matryoshka Dolls, which are actually a non-weaponized thing (and the basis for the completely unrelated upcoming Double Fine game, "Stacking").

    Looks like a lot of new things for the Zombie lover (hater?) in all of us.

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