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Modern Warfare 2 Blamed for Russia's Airport Attack

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  • Modern Warfare 2 Blamed for Russia's Airport Attack

    Russia Today, a state run news network, suggests that Modern Warfare 2 influenced the attack on Russia's busiest airport.
    RT points out what they say are similarities between the bloody scenes depicted in the No Russian level of 2009's game with the gruesome reality of yesterday's attack at Domodedovo International Airport. Thirty-five people were killed and more than 180 injured in the terrorist attack that Russian officials say was a suicide bombing.

    In the report RT points out that the American made video game has earned more than $1 billion in sales worldwide and than you don't have to own the game to see the No Russian mission, you can also watch it on YouTube.

    You can read more on this and watch the news broadcast over at Kotaku. Computer games really have messed the world up, there were no terrorist attacks before games and we was all at peace with eachot.. oh wait.

  • #2
    Re: Modern Warfare 2 Blamed for Russia's Airport Attack

    I was waiting for this
    Battlelog/Origin ID - Hurricane043


    • #3
      Re: Modern Warfare 2 Blamed for Russia's Airport Attack

      They have to blame something other than themselves or the terrorists that do this.

      Twitter: @CptainCrunch
      Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

