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SOE Promises Monthly Free DLC and Updates for DC Universe Online

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  • SOE Promises Monthly Free DLC and Updates for DC Universe Online

    In a recent interview with Eurogagmer, Sony Online Entertainment laid out their plans, hopes, and dreams for DC Universe Online. Included in those plans is a promise to deliver monthly content for free to subscribers.

    What's the DC Universe post-release content plan like?

    John Smedley:
    After release you can expect patches from us with new content and all kinds of fun stuff on a monthly basis. We'll actually be doing some patches on a weekly basis if we spot any issues.

    But the plans are about a month out you can start expecting major pieces of content and major new features to come in. We'll be adding all kinds of cool stuff. We're not quite ready to reveal what our after-launch plans are yet. Needless to say we have a lot of content we're in QA on that players haven't seen yet.

    The monthly subscription fee means players can expect a lot of new content from us. And I say a lot - I really mean that. This is something that we feel obligated to the players, because they are paying monthly sub fee.

    The interview also talks about the difference, if any, between the PS3 and PC versions of the title, how console gamers will react to having to pay a monthly fee for a game, and much more.

    Check it all out over at Eurogamer.