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Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

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  • Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

    This just in from the BF Blog:

    As our blog series on Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam goes into episode 2, we take an in-depth look at Phu Bai Valley -- a map that has been played extensively here at the DICE office. To give you a better idea exactly what this map has to offer, we talked with the guys and girls who built it to get their thoughts on everything from design to loadout and tactics for both sides.

    Three bases to rule them all.

    Hi team! What is the general design idea behind Phu Bai Valley?

    -- It's the classic, open battlefield. It was originally custom-built for the Conquest game mode, and it's all about capturing and holding base A. B, and C. If you want to win at Phu Bai Valley, you need to use sound tactics in an environment where the enemy can attack from all directions. A good mix of kits and efficient communication within your squad are the keys to success..

    Would you say that the focus is on infantry or vehicles in this map?<!--more-->

    -- There are plenty of options if you like vehicles, with a number of armored vehicles, as well as helicopters. At the same time, the terrain is designed so that small infantry troops can move quickly between covers to get to mission critical areas.

    What is the gameplay flow like on this map?

    -- It&#39;s ususally a battle for the essential A base, which gives a spawn point with a short distance to both base B and C. The problem is that base A does not have too many vehicles, so you need to keep pressing on in order not to be overrun. The gameplay usually looks a bit different depending if you&#39;re on the US or the NVA side, since their home bases don&#39;t have the exact same loadout.

    * * * P H U B A I V A L L E Y M I L I T A R Y I N T E L * * *

    US base starting hardware: 1 x heli / 2 x tanks / 2 x jeeps

    Note: Only side with a heli, although the NVA have more armor.

    US tactics tip: Hold base A while you capture base B, so you can instantly get your second helicopter up in the air. If you keep both helis flying, you will be able to defeat the NVA armor by air superiority.

    NVA base starting hardware: 3 x tanks / 2 x jeeps

    Note: Ample supply of armor -- you will need it to defend against the US chopper(s).

    NVA tactics tip: Establish a strong foothold at either base B or C. That way you don&#39;t have to start over from your home base every time you respawn. If you manage this, you will have the chance to use your armored vehicles to gain ground and push back the US side. Keep in mind that you can shoot down enemy helicopters with the machine gun mounted on top of your tank. Keep your tanks alive with engineers to defeat the air threat. Alternate, daredevil tactic: Steal the enemy choppers.

    Just a quick recon over base B before the start of our Friday playtest.


  • #2
    Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

    Looks like a sweet "Conquest" map...

    Here hoping!


    • #3
      Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

      looks nice can't wait to get some play time!


      • #4
        Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

        An asymmetrical map? Thats brave (and probably stupid, but we will see)


        • #5
          Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

          Looks fun, hope it is.


          • #6
            Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

            Map is still very small:dead:


            • #7
              Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

              I'm shocked Rambo is not happy with the map size, even though we have no idea how big it is. But hey complain til they give us a good game, I'm all for a good game.


              • #8
                Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

                looks simliar to map we already have, and it looks puny...mmmm...impressed, i am not.

                wish they'd show some f'ing PC footage...


                • #9
                  Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

                  It's so frigging small. In EoD we would be talking about flags in the horizon but here the whole map is size of one flag area.


                  • #10
                    Re: Vietnam Hardware #2: Welcome to Phu Bai Valley Rice Fields

                    It does not show where the two sides start out. It might be somewhere further out where they have to rush to either base B or C. Seeing it is so short distances I can only imagine how much pounding the tanks will be able to do on the bases.

