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New Player on the Battlefield!

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  • New Player on the Battlefield!

    This just in from the BF Blog:

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

    I'm happy to announce we have a new player on the Battlefield. His name is Tommy (Gamertag: H Brun), and is the new Jr Product Manager at DICE. Some of you may recognize him from magazines like PC Gamer, Super PLAY and Svenska Dagbladet here in Sweden. Tommy will be joining me here on the Battlefield blog to share our gaming experiences and let you know what is happening at DICE. I'll let him take it from here:

    "This is an intriguing turn of events! Having been a professional games journalist for the past 15 years, I now find myself working with the same people whose products I used to review. Looking back, I realize I have had the privilege of seeing DICE grow from its humble beginnings to where they are today.

    First as a gamer, playing and falling in love with Pinball Dreams and Benefactor on my Amiga. Later as a journalist, where I literally had the opportunity to watch Battlefield take form. I remember visiting the small studio Refraction Games in Stockholm in 1998 (or perhaps 1999). They gave me a tech demo driving a tank up a decidedly low-poly hill. It was early days, but the demo still left me with a sense of awe and excitement. That tech would later turn into Codename Eagle, the spiritual predecessor to everything Battlefield.

    A few years later, working for PC Gamer, I stood at Patrick Söderlund's desk in the DICE Gothenburg office. He was maneuvering a Spitfire over a small Pacific island (probably an early version of Wake Island) bathed in golden sunlight. I had just seen a glimpse of the very first true Battlefield game. Today, that series is synonymous with DICE -- and I am a small but very proud part of that company.

    Little amazing things happen all the time at work. Yesterday, this very nice gentleman taught me how to make a mean espresso with the company coffee maker. That man was none other than Lars Gustavsson, one of the main people behind Codename Eagle. I am living a boy's dream, and sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I am awake.

    When done pinching, I usually retreat to my condo on the outskirts of Stockholm for a bit of evening gaming. I have this fixed idea that I need to conquer all four maps in Onslaught Mode on hardcore, so if you are up for that, give me a ping. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and I will talk to you again soon. Until then, keep your squad tight."

    Fridens liljor,
    Tommy "H Brun"


  • #2
    Re: New Player on the Battlefield!

    is he going to replace Demize as the dude balancing the game?



    • #3
      Re: New Player on the Battlefield!

      That's right, if he plays on consoles then that gives zhinto more time to play on PC and give DICE our feedback.


      • #4
        Re: New Player on the Battlefield!

        Beta time?

        frisk me



        • #5
          Re: New Player on the Battlefield!

          Originally posted by Mavrik347
          That's right, if he plays on consoles then that gives zhinto more time to play on PC and give DICE our feedback.
          That, or its just another step to Dice screwing the PC fanbase.


          • #6
            Re: New Player on the Battlefield!

            I have this fixed idea that I need to conquer all four maps in Onslaught Mode on hardcore
            Just another console convert.

            Battlefield 3 is going to be a "casual" console Battlefield game.


            • #7
              Re: New Player on the Battlefield!

              hey welcome

