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Interview with Minecraft's Notch, Survival Multiplayer Next Week

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  • Interview with Minecraft's Notch, Survival Multiplayer Next Week

    Yep, it's a Minecraft sort of day today, at least to start with. PC Gamer just tossed up an interview with the Indie developer that talks about Minecraft's origins up through what lies ahead for the game even beyond the Survival multiplayer inclusion.

    You've said that Minecraft will be done when you've finished up Survival mode, and that you'll expand it with a more traps-themed content release afterwards. Is that still the plan? What's next for Minecraft, after that?

    When Minecraft has working survival mode multiplayer, it will have all the features I originally wanted, so I will declare that to be the finished version. Then I will keep working on the game for as long as people play and buy it, adding large and small features and releasing them as free updates to the game. I have many more games I want to do, but there's so much potential in Minecraft that I can see myself working on it for a long time.

    Once the game stops selling and I've moved on to something else, I will release most of the game as open source (excluding the parts I am not the original author, such as the sounds), so that other people can keep expanding the game.

    A few additional things to note here. Notch recently revealed that he will release the Survival multiplayer before he leaves for BIGJam next week. Once this happens, the price of the game will rise to 14.95 euro and the game will "officially" be in beta status. After what is presumably going to be a lengthy beta period, the game will be out of beta and the price will increase to 19.95 euro. So, if you want to get in on Minecraft while the price is at the lowest it will be for a while, you had best act fast.

    It should also be mentioned that for the time being, water and liquid behavior within Minecraft will not be touched "until the rest of the game is in place." To see what Notch had to say to PC Gamer, head on over to read the full interview.