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Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Announced

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  • Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Announced

    Capcom, during its recent Captivate event proudly showed off some of its upcoming titles to the gaming press. Included in the event's festivities was the announcement and reveal that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would be coming.

    It's about time we got a real, high-definition upgrade to one of the best fighting games ever created. From the information we have heard the game will be disc-based (no more XBLA or PSN for MvC fans) and the graphics will be seriously upgraded, running at a full 720P. Another little hint was the fact that Marvel-employee Agent M (Ryan Penagos) was in Hawaii this past week, at the same hotel, showing off something he could not yet talk about.

    The only information still scarce on this game is that of the roster, we can confirm that Wolverine, Spider-Man, The Hulk, Magneto, Storm, and a few others will be back; but the team behind MvC3 have said they will be blowing fans out of the water with the sheer number of characters this game includes on the disc. Surely the unlock-able gameplay will be back and in full force. As far as gameplay goes the Capcom team decided to stick with what we know best, 2D - that being said it is not traditional 2D fighting, think more of a cross between Street Fighter IV and the original Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which sounds like a blast.

    Capcom has not yet publicly announced the title, but once they do be sure to check back with TGN for all of the latest media releases.