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SOCOM 4 Lead Designer GDC 2010 Interview

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  • SOCOM 4 Lead Designer GDC 2010 Interview

    This just in from the G4:

    More than a few eyebrows were understandably raised when Sony revealed that SOCOM: US Navy SEALs 4 would include PlayStation Move motion control support. Fortunately, G4 was able to track down the game’s lead designer, Travis Steiner, during GDC 2010 to find out why hardcore and casual gamers shouldn’t be quite so quick to dismiss the new gameplay options provided by Move.

    "It’s a different kind of experience. One that’s very new to players. And I think hardcore gamers are really going to dig it. I think the major barrier in the past there has just been precision. But I think when the players try it in SOCOM 4, they will get excited about motion controls.”

    To find out more about what awaits SOCOM players in the latest installment, motion your mouse over the video below and hit play:


  • #2
    Re: SOCOM 4 Lead Designer GDC 2010 Interview

    Well so far, "SOCOM" and "hardcore gamer" hasn't belonged in the same sentence. I don't see how the PlayStation's new move technology is going to change that. SOCOM has had the worst precision of any FPS game I have played. Maybe with PlayStation's new technology they will make a game where you actually have to shoot the enemy to kill them and not just in that direction.

