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Bad Company Was Too Hard

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  • #16
    Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

    ahha i wish this game going be awsome and not like a other crysis... i was beliveing this game was awsome but.. NAh haha


    • #17
      Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

      Originally posted by troybob
      Give it a hardcore mode and I'll buy! It should only take about 2-3 well-placed rounds to down a person.
      Hardcore mode already confirmed.


      • #18
        Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

        Originally posted by Swatpll
        ahha i wish this game going be awsome and not like a other crysis... i was beliveing this game was awsome but.. NAh haha
        Can't be any worse than your English

        It may not be awesome but its almost awesome!


        • #19
          Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

          Originally posted by Simo Glock
          yeah well i never did spray that long to kill. I used Tanks, Helo's, Sniper rifles, mortar rounds, Melee, nades and head shots. I never aim at anything but the head, if I miss, then I might die, if I hit, I win.. My K/D averages 1.9 over the 2 year life of the game. Even when I was a noob to the controller.
          My best round ground pounding with veh = 53 / 2
          My best round without veh 80% snipe is 32 / 0
          My best round in a helo is 58/0

          Trust me, it doesn't take me that long to kill people, same as the many 2's I've met in game.
          The guys shooting me in the chest when their head explodes, I'm sure think it takes to long to kill people.

          What made the game mud soaked was the lack of over watch and teamwork, 2 Guns pointed at someone works alot better than 1...
          Thats why towards the end all I did was snipe. It's was the only way to play without caring what team won.
          They seemed to have worked on that part so we'll see if 2 is better, but the kill speed or the movement speed is not going to be the deciding factor for me. Thats only going to decide how many people stick with the game because it feels familiar.

          Meh, CS is still gameplay god I guess.. COD proves that.. Who can twitch faster!
          Yes and I played competitive CS for years lol. I don't care how many kills you've gotten in a round, what I'm saying is that it was simply in-efficient in the gameplay. Yes, you could aim for the head and down people faster... but it still took a ludicrous amount of bullets to kill someone. And no, you were not pin-point accurate 100% of the time so no, you didn't always aim for the head and I'm sure there were times where it took a stupid amount of time to kill someone.

          I feel like I'm having much more fun when I can dart from target to target and not have to spray away for an entire minute at one target. Which is why I put so much effort into CS because it was very hard to get good at.


          • #20
            Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

            Yeah great.This thread is making me mad.


            • #21
              Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

              Simo Glock, Bc1 took way many bullets to kill.Get real dude.We know how good you are,with all your headshots and vehilce kills,but some of us want a game that is tactical and takes skill.This is like the Bf2 argument where people say the hit detection is perfect.


              • #22
                Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

                Originally posted by johnrondot
                Simo Glock, Bc1 took way many bullets to kill.Get real dude.We know how good you are,with all your headshots and vehilce kills,but some of us want a game that is tactical and takes skill.This is like the Bf2 argument where people say the hit detection is perfect.
                Bc1 rush is as tactical as it gets, especially for BF games. Why would someone argue that it takes to long to kill someone if they are killing them? That makes no sense what so ever.

                Yes I can agree it took longer to get a kill than in most games with chest shots from small arms.
                But that statement is not the same as "It is too hard to get kills" or Bad Company was too Hard"

                Things like this and hit detection are always going to have 2 sides of the story, it's all fake. I take the parameters given to me and excel at them. I don't expect any game to play one way or another.

                I hate MW2 gameplay, so I don't play it. I don't go out and ***** about what's wrong with it.

                Same will go for BFBC2, but I haven't come across a DICE game I hate yet, so heres to hoping this isn't the start <cheers>


                • #23
                  Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

                  Thats true though, I don't like the way they put it "Bad Company 1 was too hard." It wasn't too hard... it was just a little too exaggerated in its game mechanics.


                  • #24
                    Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

                    I agree with Kyle.

                    Also, what killed it for me was that it took 3 shots to down someone with a SNIPER. That's just lame. But I could, however, down someone with an AR quite easily. And from what I've seen though, BC2 hit the jackpot.


                    • #25
                      Re: Bad Company Was Too Hard

                      I agree with Kyle.

                      Also, what killed it for me was that it took 3 shots to down someone with a SNIPER. That's just lame. But I could, however, down someone with an AR quite easily. And from what I've seen though, BC2 hit the jackpot.

