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PHL Reviews Left 4 Dead's "Cold Case" Custom Campaign

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  • PHL Reviews Left 4 Dead's "Cold Case" Custom Campaign

    About a month and a half ago, we brought you news on the "Cold Case" custom campaign coming to Left 4 Dead. The massive campaign (15 maps, 3 different campaigns) has now been released to a waiting public.

    Planet Half-Life went through it all and after about five hours they made it through alive to tell their tale.

    One good thing about Cold Case is that you’re never in one environment for too long. You start off inside a prison, head through an underground facility, then make your way to the hospital (which has become overgrown with not only zombies, but plant life as well), to a large warehouse, to an outdoor farm area, to an urban city, to a militarized zone, and even more… this campaign takes you on a ride to just about every type of location that you’d enjoy killing the infected.

    It felt like every 15 minutes or so there was an alerting-the-horde event (the one you activate by turning on a power generator, sounding an alarm, whatever), to the point where they were getting pretty old, fast. On top of how frequent they are, a lot of them seemed to be double or triple the length of the ones in official maps. One in particular was pretty cool though, as it had a huge count-down timer set up on a steel structure used for spotlights hung over the street you are holding out in. At the end of the timer, a jet flies overhead and drops an airstrike to give reason to the end of the event. I guess the frequency and duration of these events can be considered a good thing if you like them a lot.
    For more on Cold Case, be sure to read the rest of PHL's review and check out the campaign's official website for download links (it's a 852MB download btw) and further campaign details!