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Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

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  • Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

    Jockyitch, from, posted up the newest webcast. A lot of points being made about the marketing Activision has done with Modern Warfare 2. Here is what they had to say:

    Though it should have been a runaway romp, the marketing of Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to the iconic CoD4, has been a muddy slog.

    Activision, the game’s publisher and Infinity Ward, its developer, have seen the game’s release troubled by an ever growing list of issues, many of their own making.

    MW2’s ball-handlers have dropped their fair share of pig-skin in the last few months. Here are just the lowlights:

    Activision brass increase the price of MW2 during the deepest recession since the Great One, just because they can. This causes great resentment even amongst the game’s fanboys. <!--more-->

    The PC community forges a 170,000+ petition demanding the restitution of dedicated servers after it pieces together the dev’s plot to have their online experience replaced by a peer-to-peer system.

    PC pre-orders of the game drop, as does Activision stock, soon after the news of the lack of dedi servers hits the internet.

    IW devs single out hardcore CoD PC gamers as bad influences. They are effectively fired. Modders, competitive gamers and tuners go into anaphylactic shock.

    PC Modders revolt after they see that their creativity is harvested and used blatantly in some of MW2’s more appealing features, without so much as any recognition (never mind any monetary compensation).

    Console gamers get a hold of MW2 DVD’s and begin live-streaming SP missions over the internet. Hundred’s of spoiler alerts go unheeded as the game’s closely guarded secrets get spilled.

    Pirated MW2 console torrents are being seeded across the world, two weeks before the game is officially released. This finally dispels the myth that illegal PC downloads were the real problem.

    CNN ireporters call in to say that MW2 lets kids play terrorist characters. The alleged opening scenes of MW2 see the wholesale slaughter of civilians. Acid-tongued CNN readers suggest that the only terrorism is the cancellation of dedicated servers.

    We all know how much the news went downhill after the announcement of the dedicated servers. Now as I even go through news I have to make sure about the spoilers that are now rampant. To top it off, the newest funny video IW released about grenade spamming is being pulled because so many people found it offensive.

    Did Activision drop this ball bigtime or is it bad publicity is still good publicity? Is this fumble recoverable? What other thoughts about how everything has been handled with the game? You can listen to the podcast here. I have not heard it yet, so I do not know if there are spoilers in it.

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

  • #2
    Re: Bash 125. Activisions Marketing Fumbles

    Activision dropped the ball big time.

    IW/Activision have handled this release very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very....... very...... Poorly. But hey everything can be solved by a childish video with an acronym like F.A.G.S and using bad language. Iw/Acti = Massive Fail.


    • #3
      Re: Bash 125. Activisions Marketing Fumbles

      Originally posted by CptainCrunch

      IW devs single out hardcore CoD PC gamers as bad influences. They are effectively fired. Modders, competitive gamers and tuners go into anaphylactic shock.

      someone explain this to me?


      • #4
        Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

        Is there any video footage of this "Acid-tongued CNN readers suggest that the only terrorism is the cancellation of dedicated servers." too?


        • #5
          Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

          its saying the readers/commenters on the CNN news site about the airport terrorist level dont give two flying sh!ts about the terrorist level and are more pissed off about the lack of dedicated server support.


          • #6
            Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

            I think the whole PC "Boycott" hurting Activision thing is a bit of a stretch.

            The hit on Activision's stock wasn't from the result of the petition or the lack of dedicated servers, or people dropping their preorders. Seems like it was due to an analyst critiquing Activision's future line up (well and beyond CoD MW2) and stating that only income Activision will be making is from DLC. Starcraft II and Diablo III aren't coming to the consoles, I'm sure if they were to announce xbox versions of these games stock analysts would be rating the stock value much higher.

            The modders and tweakers having hurt feelings over not being given credit for their ideas, I'm sure if you read the license agreement that all content you create and release for the game belongs to IW & Activision. Pretty standard stuff, nothing to cry over that's for sure.

            Just about all games get leaked now, something I'm sure they're not happy about - I remember GTA IV was leaked and streamed too, didn't affect sales at all. The piracy thing is an xbox problem, maybe it's time for MS to come out with that new console that uses blueray? Don't see anyone playing on hacked PS3's do you?

            I haven't seen any massive media explosion about the leaked "Terrorist shooting civilians" thing on the news, Activision is probably threatening to sue if they show the copyrighted content on TV. Either that or it's just a case of big corporations holding hands with each other, if it were a user created game that got released on the net the media vultures would be feasting on somebody's flesh by now. I'm sure down the line we'll hear plenty from the likes of Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton.


            • #7
              Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

              Originally posted by Dr Random
              Is there any video footage of this "Acid-tongued CNN readers suggest that the only terrorism is the cancellation of dedicated servers." too?
              I lol'd hard.


              • #8
                Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                Couldnt agree more with the OP and it sums up this whole fiasco very well.


                • #9
                  Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                  Ditto, the mere fact alone that Activision (a respected professional brand) have allowed IW to show their true console fanboy sides with this incredibly childish behavier is mind boggling.

                  They deserve everything they get. Or should I so don't get, like my £35.


                  • #10
                    Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                    I am very anxious to see how PC sales do, I really hope they tank so IW will put dedi servers back in.

                    Either way CoD has been getting a bit old (for me at least), I am really waiting for BFBC2.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                      PC sales currently account for 8% of all MW2 sales on Amazon. I lolled.


                      • #12
                        Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                        Originally posted by CaptainKirk
                        PC sales currently account for 8% of all MW2 sales on Amazon. I lolled.

                        Wow, thats another percent down. A few days ago it was at 9. Its rumored before the news on the dedicated servers that it was at 16%.

                        Columbia, MO is #5!!!! Thats insane! The population up there isn't that big to make it in the top 10 list. Cows would have to be pre-ordering it.

                        Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                        Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                        • #13
                          Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                          Originally posted by Dangerdog
                          I think the whole PC "Boycott" hurting Activision thing is a bit of a stretch.

                          The hit on Activision's stock wasn't from the result of the petition or the lack of dedicated servers, or people dropping their preorders. Seems like it was due to an analyst critiquing Activision's future line up (well and beyond CoD MW2) and stating that only income Activision will be making is from DLC. Starcraft II and Diablo III aren't coming to the consoles, I'm sure if they were to announce xbox versions of these games stock analysts would be rating the stock value much higher.

                          The modders and tweakers having hurt feelings over not being given credit for their ideas, I'm sure if you read the license agreement that all content you create and release for the game belongs to IW & Activision. Pretty standard stuff, nothing to cry over that's for sure.

                          Just about all games get leaked now, something I'm sure they're not happy about - I remember GTA IV was leaked and streamed too, didn't affect sales at all. The piracy thing is an xbox problem, maybe it's time for MS to come out with that new console that uses blueray? Don't see anyone playing on hacked PS3's do you?

                          I haven't seen any massive media explosion about the leaked "Terrorist shooting civilians" thing on the news, Activision is probably threatening to sue if they show the copyrighted content on TV. Either that or it's just a case of big corporations holding hands with each other, if it were a user created game that got released on the net the media vultures would be feasting on somebody's flesh by now. I'm sure down the line we'll hear plenty from the likes of Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton.
                          I think the reason why you don't see a lot of hackers on PS3 is that a lot of the mainstream population can not afford blue ray burners right now.


                          • #14
                            Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                            You might be right , but with the price will go down eventually , the funniest thing I keep seeing are the people that download the large iso files for PS3 games. It would be so much easier for them to buy the game.


                            • #15
                              Re: Bash 125. Activision's Marketing Fumbles

                              Originally posted by CaptainKirk
                              PC sales currently account for 8% of all MW2 sales on Amazon. I lolled.

                              lol, am i gonna be playing alone on the PC? maybe i will change the release day delivery to free shipping... no point in playing against 1 or 2 guys.

