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DICE Takes The Cake

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  • DICE Takes The Cake

    Well they didn't take the cake. But instead they get 2 cakes. It seems that the Battlefield Bad Company 2 community was so happy that BFBC2 will have dedicated servers, unlike the MW2 mess. They sent DICE 2 cakes.

    Coolest thing just happened:

    I get a call from the reception saying “there’s two guys here who wants to give you cake”. Turns out they are from the PC community and were so happy about our dedicated server tweet this week they wanted to give something back to us, the developers. Awesome, thanks a lot guys!

    Now is that Community love, or what. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is due out on 3/2/2010.

  • #2
    Re: DICE Takes The Cake

    Those guys are smart!! Not only for being use the dedicated servers, but for take position in their rival wakeness time.

    I admire them!


    • #3
      Re: DICE Takes The Cake

      hmmm this is indeed an interesting way to get cake

      I shall have to promise dedicated servers to everyone I know


      • #4
        Re: DICE Takes The Cake


        Thanks alot DICE!!!!


        • #5
          Re: DICE Takes The Cake

          The level of excitement for something as small as dedicates servers is curious.


          • #6
            Re: DICE Takes The Cake

            The cake is a lie.

            A marketing lie!

            Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, that's awesome


            • #7
              Re: DICE Takes The Cake

              those cakes look good... mmmmm


              • #8
                Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                Was waiting for a "The cake is a lie." comment.

                BF Heroes is interesting using matchmaking in combination with dedicated servers, so you can either use the server browser or use the matchmaking to send you to a dedicated server. Things have come a long way from the horrible memories that was BF2 "Play online now".


                • #9
                  Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                  Well, this is just brilliant.

                  After years of Anti-DICE propaganda on forums like Total BF2, may we actually see (heaven forbid) more Pro-Dice comments?

                  Surely not, right? :O


                  • #10
                    Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                    FAN-tastic !

                    Enjoy the cake!


                    • #11
                      Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                      About that propaganda...sometimes it's not about your performance alone, it's about your performance compared to everybody else's.

                      Good job beating IW DICE, even with the propaganda


                      • #12
                        Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                        Hah, pretty cool. During the development of Starsiege Tribes people would send cases of beer to the development team from a local brewery in Oregon.

                        I'm surprised they ever managed to finish the game.


                        • #13
                          Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                          Originally posted by MrChris_CJ
                          hmmm this is indeed an interesting way to get cake

                          I shall have to promise dedicated servers to everyone I know
                          What's your address?


                          • #14
                            Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                            why currently its

                            1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
                            Washington, DC 20500

                            and if there is any sort of fruit based contents (chocolate cake please) expect to hear the sound of B2 bombers over your house



                            • #15
                              Re: DICE Takes The Cake

                              Originally posted by MrChris_CJ
                              why currently its

                              1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
                              Washington, DC 20500

                              and if there is any sort of fruit based contents (chocolate cake please) expect to hear the sound of B2 bombers over your house

                              The white house? seriously? and why chocolate cake? Because obama's black you think he wants chocolate cake? racism these days, unbelievable.

                              NO CAKE FOR YOU.

