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BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

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  • BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

    BashandSlash is talking about the #1 thing that keeps coming up:

    A hectic week for MW2 news junkies, there was a great deal of information released about the game.

    It started last Sunday with the release of the Infamy video and it continued with the GTTV special on MW2. <!--more-->

    However, what should have been a straightforward marketing bonanza, became anything but…in the PC community that is. The game's producer Activision and it's developer, Infinity Ward, lost the marketing highground and their message was hijacked by rumors of a delay in the PC SKU.

    That’s our topic for today’s cast and with me to discuss the issue, as well as to talk about other relevant MW2 tidbits are Jim (Rudedog) from and Chris (Xiao) from

    And in a historic first for the program, BASH introduces Xbox specialist MaTtKs from Twitter’s WePlayCod and Matt, a staunch CoD console community member is on to bring his community’s viewpoint into the cast. Welcome Matt!

    In addition, we talk about Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising. How has the release process gone for this new FPS shooter?

    Be sure to listen here

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

  • #2
    Re: BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

    Yeah it would suck if they delayed the PC version for no other (unofficial reason) than to try to push more copies on the xbox, people are impatient and many will break down and perhaps even buy one of those MW2 themed special edition xbox systems, I'm sure that would make IW and MS very happy.

    By now it's becoming pretty standard to push back PC releases on multiplatform games, latest is Borderlands for the PC being delayed a week, DICE pushed Battlefield 1943 out to 2010 instead of releasing it mutiplatform last summer - maybe the extra development time will show in the final product.

    I doubt anyone is going to grab their pitchfork and burning torch and join an angry mob outside of Activision headquarters, I'll just patiently wait for the game to be released on the PC.

    As for supporting the community more to show IW that we don't need them, remember that without those developer released mod tools there wouldn't be projects like the Star Wars Galactic Warfare.

    Have PC users become too demanding for developers? I'm sure lots of developers feel that way. In the case of recently released OFP Dragon Rising it's not just a bunch of insistent whining on the official forums. Codemasters pushed out the door a game with lackluster (to say the least) multiplayer support, and what is there is rather buggy.

    They have said they'll fix the game bugs with a patch, they have not committed to saying they'll release dedicated servers for the game. You can also forget about mod support, the mission editor only allows you to create new missions - you can't add any new content to the game. No custom assets whatsoever, the game files are locked up in a proprietary compressed format - all content will be in the form of DLC that Codemasters decides to release.


    • #3
      Re: BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

      PC gamers arnt asking IW to not delay it, were just asking if its true. Like they said in the podcast, JUST TALK TO US.


      • #4
        Re: BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

        I think what both of you have said is so true. We will wait for the release, whatever day it is, but talk to us. We know that consoles are bringing in the money, but dont just shun us.

        Just about everything, from the clip to the trailer, to the twitter response has been xbox related. We all know its huge, we get that, but if PC is lowly to IW, hire a temp to talk to the media about it and use fraps to record a little bit to show us that a demo isnt necessary.

        It was a good podcast. They also talk about gameplay of the game as well as Dragon Rising (which cancelled their demo and come to find out has been buggy with not a lot of multiplayer support)

        Twitter: @CptainCrunch
        Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


        • #5
          Re: BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

          Yes It was a good podcast.
          Very good info and discussion on all platforms.


          • #6
            Re: BASH 122: When I Left, It Was Fine

            haha thats funny

