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BASH 120: Are We Being Left Behind?

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  • BASH 120: Are We Being Left Behind?

    BASHandSLASH once again has another bashcast up and PC players, you will definitely want to listen in on this one. Some other topics are also discussed such as some news on MW2 and community news.

    Has Activision's plans to monetize Call of Duty left the PC irrevocably behind the console in relevance? Does it matter? Can our community do anything about it?

    On to talk about these and other topics are pst*Joker from, Bleed from, John from, Arseynimz from and Chris from

    Topics from the show:

    • Germans get MW2 without censorship
    • What’s new in MW2 this week (perky question)?
    • Is Activision leaving the PC community behind?
    • Is there any PC game worth buying?
    • Community info for September

    Click here to listen to the bashcast. Subscribe to these bashcasts, or at least continue to listen to them each week if you would really like to start knowing more about CoD and its community.

    What do you think PC players? Is this 'console-first' a long term trend that will end good games for the PC because the development time is spent on the console version? Will the PC eventually be down to one good game a year? Or, is this all just hoopla and the PC will once again be revived with more great games?


  • #2
    Re: BASH 120: Are We Being Left Behind?

    They talk about how scavenge may work. I didn't like that because they used the theory of gathering up grenades.

    I don't know if console is "they way". It is the trend now, but we have seen before where the consoles get old and the devs will move back to PC to make better, more challenging games. The consoles upgrade and then they go back. We know Wii reached its limit and PS and Xbox have been out a while. There are talks about the next generation console coming up.

    I think the webcast was spot on about where the money is. Its all at the console. They can make much more than on PC or competition. As for competition, its going to have to be up to the competitive community to make mods to make a new game "competitive capable". Hopefully, for CoD, the CoDTV options will help make it more of an option along with the capability to turn on or off features.

    Batman is awesome

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


    • #3
      Re: BASH 120: Are We Being Left Behind?

      all microsoft needs to do is release a new console that can boot to windows.

      bam! markets merge.

      If you need proof that there are games worth buying that cannot be replicated on consoles - check out X3: Terran Conflict.


      • #4
        Re: BASH 120: Are We Being Left Behind?

        I thought that was a PC troybob? :wee:

        Batman is setup so you can use the Xbox controller on the PC with it. It is an obvious port, but the game is good, if I havent said that already

        Twitter: @CptainCrunch
        Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


        • #5
          Re: BASH 120: Are We Being Left Behind?

          Originally posted by CptainCrunch
          I thought that was a PC troybob? :wee:

          Batman is setup so you can use the Xbox controller on the PC with it. It is an obvious port, but the game is good, if I havent said that already

          You can't say it enough, though. The game is pure win. And even though it originated on consoles, it didn't feel bad to me. Just look at Web of Shadows, Bully, Spiderman 3, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk or Transformers for serious examples of consolitis.

