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CoD:WaW - Mysterious Radio Transmissions...Map Pack 4 Hints?

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  • CoD:WaW - Mysterious Radio Transmissions...Map Pack 4 Hints?

    The CoD:Hub has some new intel that may or not be new to you. Obviously, there has been quite a hub bub going about the net concerning the radio transmissions heard in Der Riese, talked about here. But is this info below new, or is it referring to that info we have already heard before? Please read below and respond!
    Confidential Information / Security Level 5

    Consider yourself lucky troops, because we're about to let you in on a little secret. Soldiers from the darkest reaches of our offensive are finding themselves facing the army of the damned, but that's not all they're discovering. Underneath this evil, we're guessing there is a Nazi spider web that connects all of these outbreaks and that out there, there are clues that can expose its gossamer threads. We are gathering reports of strange sightings and happenings, besides the undead rising from their graves that is, which seem to be creating trends within the field. What we're presenting to you today is one of these trends. Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night. Back at HQ, we are hoping these rumors can help you soldiers come closer to unraveling the truth.

    Some of our men who've braved through the woods of Nacht der Untoten have dug up intel, which we found earlier to be irrelevant, but under recent circumstances, we now deem it vital to our growing case file. Our contacts say that there is a hidden radio, that for all rational reasons should not operate, but does. Those who've managed to activate the radio say that it plays an endless cycle of haunting songs and some of our Soviet allies have reported hearing their homeland's victory song through its cursed speakers.

    Of course, these phantom transmissions do not end in Nacht der Untoten. Shi No Numa holds it own fair share of mysteries. Within the walls of Shi No Numa, some have reported hearing not music, but radio calls from a rogue signal. We haven’t been able to get an accurate report on what is said within this radio call, but we are sure it is connected to this conspiracy.

    We can't be sure, but we are thinking that hidden transmissions can be found in the recently discovered Der Riese as well. That’s why we’re sharing this information with you troops. We need you to head out into the field and discover what we can't. You'll need to be smart and you'll need teamwork to survive, but if you can get past the hordes of the flesh-eating undead, you may find the truth behind the horror. Within the supplies section of the Call of Duty HQ, you'll find the only known transmissions we have. Visit the Map Pack 1 page for the "Lullaby of a Dead Man" MP3 as well as the Map Pack 2 and Map Pack 3 pages for more MP3s and iPhone ringtones. Good luck soldiers.

    End of transmission.

    Okay console gamers, is this info actually new/something people have yet to figure out, like a new Easter egg? Or is it the info that everyone has already heard before? And is this a hint that Map Pack 4 will be coming or not?
