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BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

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  • BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

    BASHandSLASH has another great bashcast up this week about the recent MW2 trailer with the CTF game mode being shown. This is an important bashcast to listen to for all CTF fans and for those who are wanting to dive more into the trailer. Many things are pointed out with CoD community members who have been around since CoD1 for the PC, and they know what they are talking about. Also, about half way through the bashcast, PST*Joker talks about the 'new' elements in MW2 that have actually been in previous CoD mods, such as knife throwing in CoD2. Definitely listen to this bashcast below:

    We have a big group on to discuss the video and every part of the CoD community is represented. pst*joker of, sam from, rudedog ( are back as well as first time BASHer, adam (aka Uzi) from the competitive gaming outfit Area51 (

    In addition to the MW2 vid…we discuss CoD:WW’s Map Pack 3 and its impending release to the PC community.

    We touch on the state of CoD competitive gaming.

    And finally, we look at the Demon Mod from Demon Seed…or “Bruce Wayne” as we know him by.

    Click here to listen to the bashcast. Subscribe to these bashcasts, or at least continue to listen to them each week if you would really like to start knowing more about CoD and its community.

    One of the most important podcasts I have ever listened to for CoD news. Definitely listen to this one...please.


  • #2
    Re: BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

    Lol uzi... I love uzi.

    Anyways - I have to say it, but I absolutely despise the new blood effect.


    • #3
      Re: BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

      Agreed. I hope it's moddable, that's all I can say. Did not agree with Jock about it being gross as I agree with others that it looks like a slushy, jelly, kool aid, etc, lol.


      • #4
        Re: BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

        Yeah, I didn't agree with it for that reason either, more for the jelly-like appearance and overall obnoxiousness.


        • #5
          Re: BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

          Yeah, as they said, a better method could have been come up with if they wanted to hinder the vision of the player being shot. And from the vids, the jelly stays on there for way too long imo.


          • #6
            Re: BASH #117 - CTF in MW2

            I know they had to make MW2 different to CoD4 but was it really worth changing the blood splatter effect from CoD4?

