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The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

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  • The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

    The barrage of new mod releases to take advantage of BF2 Update 1.50 has begun with the Forgotten Hope 2 mod. Their newest release will actually be playable tomorrow, but they've already released a passworded torrent so that you can get a head start. Check it out:
    <div style="float:right; padding:0 0 5px 10px;"></div>Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. It has been a very hard and busy two weeks for everyone working on Forgotten Hope 2.2, both developers and testers. We have gone through three release candidates, we had to fix numerous issues caused by the Battlefield 2 patch which was released just three days ago and our testers have been making sure everything works pretty much around the clock all week long. But today, we have finally put the finishing touches to our Normandy Theater of War and are proud to announce that Forgotten Hope 2.2 will be released...

    Saturday the 5th of September 2009 at 18:00 UTC

    Our original plan was to release today, but Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 and some serious bugs that managed to sneak through the release candidates meant that everyone had to work on getting everything finished right up until today. This is why we did not want to post an announcement the week before the release, like we normally do.

    As usual, we also have a passworded torrent you can download, so you can install FH2 straight away when the password is released tomorrow. For this release only a full install will be available. We decided against doing a patch, since its size would still be huge and many people have had problems with the patch installer in the past. To download a torrent file you will need a bittorrent client. We recommend uTorrent.

    Before posting the torrent links we want to thank our website and forum host Flüstertüte for showing his dedication to the mod, by setting up our torrents while on vacation. Many thanks!

    For the server admins we also have the server files available. You only need these files if you are running a dedicated server. You cannot play Forgotten Hope 2 with these files.

    In the next part of this update, we will have a look at what comes with Forgotten Hope 2.2. We have already shown most of the new content in the news updates of the previous year, but as you will see, we still have a couple of things we hope will be a nice surprise. For the people who have not been keeping up with the updates, or simply forgot some things that were shown, there is a general list of new content in version 2.2 below. First though, we want to show off the first of two trailers. This one shows the Axis forces in Normandy. There will be a trailer of the Allied forces in Normandy tomorrow.

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
    Continue Reading...

    Make sure you check out the entire news post on the Forgotten Hope 2 website for more information, lots of screenshots, and even some desktop wallpaper.

  • #2
    Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

    1st Normandy is awesome and I have no doubt it bring back some of the hardcore players. Can't wait for tomorrow!!


    • #3
      Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

      The big day guys!

      Hope to see you all soon on the battlefield, all the testers and dev are eagerly waiting in ambush positions.


      • #4
        Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

        good teaser i have to say so myself


        • #5
          Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

          Join us for a USA FH2 v.2.2 Mod Release!

          Come Battle with us on our East Coast and MidWest based servers for some good WWII Action! We will have one server hosting epic 64 player sized battles and another hosting smaller infantry combat on 16 and 32 player sized maps.

          Our main 64 player server can be found here:

          Our secondary 40 player server can be found here:

          The 64 player server will only be running Normandy maps for now. The 40 player server will run all Normandy maps and all African maps in either 32 player or 16 player sizes. Map voting is enabeled on both servers. I will leave it enabeled a long as it is not abused.

          Voip is also enabled on these servers to help improve communications between squad members. In addition to voip. A Teamspeak server is up and running at: Feel free to join us on there!

          * Servers are sponsored by your FH2 Mod Devlopement Team. We hope you enjoy your time in Normandy!


          • #6
            Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

            Oh my. Can't wait.

            If you go to the site, they've revealed a railway locomotive as a new vehicle. This should be entertaining.


            • #7
              Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

              Ive always enjoyed the infantry aspect of FH2, cant wait for Normandy.

              Due to my sucky net, its going to take days to download :'(


              • #8
                Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                Expect me in the game, today.


                • #9
                  Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                  Originally posted by Numptie
                  Ive always enjoyed the infantry aspect of FH2, cant wait for Normandy.

                  Due to my sucky net, its going to take days to download :'(
                  Alot of testers and developers have been seeding since yesterday, alot of people also downloaded the torrent today and are seeding. Just download it as torrent, it will go fast after a very slow start, trust me.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                    This is such a nice surprise


                    • #11
                      Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                      Absolutely awesome! As soon as its done, I'll be playing all day.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                        Have you seen this new feature?



                        • #13
                          Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                          Finally Normandy, good to hear.


                          • #14
                            Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                            Wow great job ....again
                            Downloading right now
                            Cant wait to smell Normandy in the morning....well something like that


                            • #15
                              Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.2: Part 1

                              The torrent password is:


