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Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

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  • Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

    With Gamescom over in Germany still pumping out more gaming goodness, some MW2 info popped up concerning the new special ops mode found in MW2. Please read below for a first impression by Gamespot of this new co-op mode.

    GamesCom 2009 is officially underway here in Cologne, Germany. While the show has a heavy focus on European games, there’s still a huge presence of American games. But few games from the States are as high profile as Modern Warfare 2. We opened the show by checking out that game's new Special Ops mode, which expands on the format of the short, action-packed Mile High Club bonus level from Call of Duty 4 and adds some interesting new bells and whistles.

    Special Ops mode now provides a third option for players to select at the main start screen that accompanies the traditional single-player campaign and competitive multiplayer featured in Call of Duty 4. It sort of connects the other two modes by allowing you to play either alone, with a friend using split-screen, or by going online for the full two-player co-op experience. Special Ops provides a series of quick scenarios for players to shoot their way through, moving from one point to another on a modestly sized map filled with enemies. You’ll unlock new levels as you collect specific numbers of stars, with more stars awarded if you play on the higher difficulty levels.<!--more-->

    The level we got to see was called Breach & Clear. In this scenario--played single-player by an Activision rep--the player had to use a bomb to breach the wall of a Soviet gulag and shoot through dozens of Russian militia before dropping through a hole at the other end of a large, destroyed shower room. The player planted the bomb on the wall, which exploded to provide a new entrance into the room and triggered a brief but dramatic slow-motion sequence that let him get a jump on the stunned enemies inside.

    Once inside, it was that familiar brand of fast-paced Call of Duty shooting through and through. Enemies flooded into the area from the front and up on balconies on the side, keeping the action quick and exciting in much the same way fans of the series have come to expect. The game looked fantastic, running very smoothly even at the peak of the firefight. Some new visual flourishes were on display, such as the redone blood splattering that covers the screen as you take damage. But the one thing that really caught our eye during the quick demo was the inclusion of riot shields. Certain enemies storm into the area equipped with these transparent, bulletproof shields, and when they die, you can run over and pick up their shields. The result is you holding the shield in front of your face in the traditional first-person view when your gun isn’t drawn and putting it away when you need to start shooting again.

    After leaving an impressive wake of death and destruction, the Activision rep made his way to the end of the level and jumped through a hole in the ground to trigger the ending. Altogether, he made it through the scenario in about two and a half minutes. A screen at the end showed his finishing time and total number of kills, but he could have pulled up a timer during the actual game by hitting up on the D pad. Otherwise, the screen remains free of clutter to let you focus on the job at hand.

    It’s worth noting that Special Ops won’t support perks or customized loadouts, which are the hallmark of Modern Warfare’s competitive multiplayer. There was no customization screen prior to the game and no XP totals appearing above the heads of enemies as you shot them. It was more like the straightforward action you’d find in the single-player campaign. It seems like a good decision on the part of Infinity Ward because the Special Ops mode seems geared more toward improving your finishing time under identical situations rather than unlocking new and better weapons to better your odds.

    It may not strike you as much of a surprise considering the astounding success of Call of Duty 4, but Modern Warfare 2 is looking great, with few if any areas to nitpick. Players can safely expect another exciting shooter when the game is released on November 10.

    What's your opinion of this upcoming co-op mode for MW2?


  • #2
    Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

    It kinda bugs me that the article doesnt mention that Treyarch did this first and made it pretty popular. It seems like IW is doing some great new idea.

    Im glad IW decided to follow Treyarchs lead and include this in their game, though its a "watered down" version.

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


    • #3
      Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

      Treyarch basically just through 2 players into the single player mode and didn't do anything but add a "second chance" revive feature. The game is almost too easy in co-op with the exception of the zombie maps.


      • #4
        Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

        Yea but i do agree with Crunch. Its almost like the community know that treyarch did a great CoD, with great community support and interesting and capturing ideas and features but fail to recognize it as a "serious" game in the franchise.

        However IW can do the same concept 6 months later and get away with it like its some fantastic new idea.


        • #5
          Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

          Originally posted by RangerXML
          Treyarch basically just through 2 players into the single player mode and didn't do anything but add a "second chance" revive feature. The game is almost too easy in co-op with the exception of the zombie maps.
          There were other death cards you could use besides revive...and what difficulty did you play on? I thought the game could be quite difficult if you put it on the hardest setting with a few guys.

          Umm...this co-op mode would be compared more to Treyarch's Zombie mode b/c just like zombies, this Spec-Ops co-op mode is not the same SP, it's a separate entity. So, if you're looking at it that way, Treyarch not only had a separate co-op experience from the original SP (Zombie mode) like IW is doing with Spec Ops mode, but they ALSO included the SP game experience with co-op capability. +1 to Treyarch for doing both, thanks for pointing that out. :thumbsup:

          Originally posted by The_Eliminator
          Yea but i do agree with Crunch. Its almost like the community know that treyarch did a great CoD, with great community support and interesting and capturing ideas and features but fail to recognize it as a "serious" game in the franchise.

          However IW can do the same concept 6 months later and get away with it like its some fantastic new idea.
          They're called IW fanboys.


          • #6
            Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

            Well, it's basically Co-operative gameplay which isn't anything really new.

            Still one more mode to play so who cares.


            • #7
              Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

              Yeah, there is a good reason to be a IW fan boy.

              Good COD games:
              COD (IW)
              COD UO (not Treyarch)
              COD2 (IW, bought 2 copies, one just for the heck of it on Steam so I could play it again)
              COD4MW (IW)
              CODWAW (Treyarch, I enjoyed it, but 4 was way better)

              Bad COD games:
              COD2BRO (Treyarch)
              COD3 (Treytech)

              Notice how many good COD game Treyarch made, versus IW?


              • #8
                Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                Originally posted by JoMaMaz
                Umm...this co-op mode would be compared more to Treyarch's Zombie mode b/c just like zombies, this Spec-Ops co-op mode is not the same SP, it's a separate entity. So, if you're looking at it that way, Treyarch not only had a separate co-op experience from the original SP (Zombie mode) like IW is doing with Spec Ops mode, but they ALSO included the SP game experience with co-op capability. +1 to Treyarch for doing both, thanks for pointing that out. :thumbsup:
                IMO I dissagree. I never thought of COD as a co-op SP campaign game. While I only got introduced to the series through the 4th one, Its just that There should be mystery around the playable characters. It kinda ruins that with CO-OP. In a co-op SO mode its pretty much multiplayer. I don't really see the game as a CO-OP game either. In the first mission they showcased it looked like a 2-man only job, and I'm not sure if they would make soap a playable character unless they recycle a flashback.


                • #9
                  Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                  Originally posted by RangerXML
                  Yeah, there is a good reason to be a IW fan boy.

                  Good COD games:
                  COD (IW)
                  COD UO (not Treyarch)
                  COD2 (IW, bought 2 copies, one just for the heck of it on Steam so I could play it again)
                  COD4MW (IW)
                  CODWAW (Treyarch, I enjoyed it, but 4 was way better)

                  Bad COD games:
                  COD2BRO (Treyarch)
                  COD3 (Treytech)

                  Notice how many good COD game Treyarch made, versus IW?
                  First off, these are purely your opinions, not facts.


                  -MoHAA (IW was part of making that great game, my fav game of all time)
                  -CoD (IW; Mainly popular b/c it introduced prone and iron sighting to many players and people who loved MoHAA/SH were finally looking for something else)
                  -CoD:UO (Grey Matter; Many consider this the best CoD ever. And actually, Grey Matter made UO and they were acquired by Treyarch, hence the reason that UO
                  and WaW have so many similarities. Grey Matter also made RtCW:ET MP)
                  -CoD: Finest Hour (Made by Spark Unlimited; Console only, didn't play it)
                  -CoD2 (IW; A step down from CoD:UO in the opinion of many gamers. Decent, but it lacked. First CoD to feel like a console game on the PC)
                  -CoD2: BRO (Made by Grey Matter, now part of Treyarch; didn't play, console only)
                  -CoD3 (Made by Treyarch, I didn't play it myself, but it seems gamers either hated or loved it, but there seem to be both sides of the story there. Only console though for that one)
                  -CoD4:MW (IW; A fun game for a while, but a lot of fans of CoD are WWII fans, so many hardcore CoD fans didn't touch this game. It was good for a while, but the constant nade spam, small maps, RnG, martyrdom choppers that kill the best player got old fast. Of course, younger players who think they're an actual soldier found this game to be the best thing ever. Good game, but not the best ever. However, this game is the FIRST CoD for a lot of fans, hence their ignorance of the series' history and they deem this the best, mainly b/c it was their first)
                  -CoD:WaW (Treyarch; A somewhat rough start, but luckily Treyarch stuck with the support and it has become an amazing game with tons of free content compared to two map packs from IW. Not to mention the entire extra mode of zombies which makes this like two games in one. They did fail on the competitive end though which had a lot of the 'big' community voices speak out against the game. As for pub play though, a very good game)

                  -MW2 (IW; Will be very similar to CoD4, not much of a diff unless the maps are bigger, nades are not spammed as much, no martyrdom and it's not based for consoles as much...we know that's not happening)
                  -CoD7 (Treyarch; Most speculate it will be the first Vietnamese CoD b/c Treyarch did so well with the Japanese campaign in CoD:WaW. Not sure if it will continue the same CoD style, but most likely)

                  One thing I know...I don't know how much more CoD I can handle if there isn't another evolution in the series b/c the same mindless RnG is getting old. CoD:WaW did well to calm that down some, but I believe the core gameplay of CoD can still be improved upon. But I think this game a year thing might be the end of the CoD series, or at least kill it sooner than later b/c eventually, people will be saturated.

                  Originally posted by 5t3v0
                  IMO I dissagree. I never thought of COD as a co-op SP campaign game. While I only got introduced to the series through the 4th one, Its just that There should be mystery around the playable characters. It kinda ruins that with CO-OP. In a co-op SO mode its pretty much multiplayer. I don't really see the game as a CO-OP game either. In the first mission they showcased it looked like a 2-man only job, and I'm not sure if they would make soap a playable character unless they recycle a flashback.
                  Just like how zombies is like a multiplayer mode... I was saying pretty much exactly what you're saying lol. That the SO mode in MW2 will be like multiplayer with 2 people just like zombies is with 2-4. The SP Co-op mode is technically another place you can play in the game clarify:

                  Options to play:

                  -Co-op SP
                  -Zombies SP (by yourself)
                  -Zombies Co-op (with 1-3 other friends)

                  -Special Ops (by yourself???)
                  -Special Ops Co-op (1 other friend)

                  As you can see, there are more playable options in CoD:WaW. My point was that CoD:WaW had more playable modes to please more gamers, aka they spent the extra time on the game to include more modes. Technically only one more if you can play SO by yourself in MW2. But it takes a lot of time to go back and make the SP playable for co-op, so that shouldn't just be overlooked of what Treyarch did.


                  • #10
                    Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                    Originally posted by JoMaMaz
                    First off, these are purely your opinions, not facts.


                    -MoHAA (IW was part of making that great game, my fav game of all time)
                    -CoD (IW; Mainly popular b/c it introduced prone and iron sighting to many players and people who loved MoHAA/SH were finally looking for something else)
                    -CoD:UO (Grey Matter; Many consider this the best CoD ever. And actually, Grey Matter made UO and they were acquired by Treyarch, hence the reason that UO
                    and WaW have so many similarities. Grey Matter also made RtCW:ET MP)
                    -CoD: Finest Hour (Made by Spark Unlimited; Console only, didn't play it)
                    -CoD2 (IW; A step down from CoD:UO in the opinion of many gamers. Decent, but it lacked. First CoD to feel like a console game on the PC)
                    -CoD2: BRO (Made by Grey Matter, now part of Treyarch; didn't play, console only)
                    -CoD3 (Made by Treyarch, I didn't play it myself, but it seems gamers either hated or loved it, but there seem to be both sides of the story there. Only console though for that one)
                    -CoD4:MW (IW; A fun game for a while, but a lot of fans of CoD are WWII fans, so many hardcore CoD fans didn't touch this game. It was good for a while, but the constant nade spam, small maps, RnG, martyrdom choppers that kill the best player got old fast. Of course, younger players who think they're an actual soldier found this game to be the best thing ever. Good game, but not the best ever. However, this game is the FIRST CoD for a lot of fans, hence their ignorance of the series' history and they deem this the best, mainly b/c it was their first)
                    -CoD:WaW (Treyarch; A somewhat rough start, but luckily Treyarch stuck with the support and it has become an amazing game with tons of free content compared to two map packs from IW. Not to mention the entire extra mode of zombies which makes this like two games in one. They did fail on the competitive end though which had a lot of the 'big' community voices speak out against the game. As for pub play though, a very good game)

                    -MW2 (IW; Will be very similar to CoD4, not much of a diff unless the maps are bigger, nades are not spammed as much, no martyrdom and it's not based for consoles as much...we know that's not happening)
                    -CoD7 (Treyarch; Most speculate it will be the first Vietnamese CoD b/c Treyarch did so well with the Japanese campaign in CoD:WaW. Not sure if it will continue the same CoD style, but most likely)

                    One thing I know...I don't know how much more CoD I can handle if there isn't another evolution in the series b/c the same mindless RnG is getting old. CoD:WaW did well to calm that down some, but I believe the core gameplay of CoD can still be improved upon. But I think this game a year thing might be the end of the CoD series, or at least kill it sooner than later b/c eventually, people will be saturated.

                    Just like how zombies is like a multiplayer mode... I was saying pretty much exactly what you're saying lol. That the SO mode in MW2 will be like multiplayer with 2 people just like zombies is with 2-4. The SP Co-op mode is technically another place you can play in the game clarify:

                    Options to play:

                    -Co-op SP
                    -Zombies SP (by yourself)
                    -Zombies Co-op (with 1-3 other friends)

                    -Special Ops (by yourself???)
                    -Special Ops Co-op (1 other friend)

                    As you can see, there are more playable options in CoD:WaW. My point was that CoD:WaW had more playable modes to please more gamers, aka they spent the extra time on the game to include more modes. Technically only one more if you can play SO by yourself in MW2. But it takes a lot of time to go back and make the SP playable for co-op, so that shouldn't just be overlooked of what Treyarch did.
                    JoMaMaz FTW!!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::salute::salute:


                    • #11
                      Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                      Originally posted by JoMaMaz

                      Just like how zombies is like a multiplayer mode... I was saying pretty much exactly what you're saying lol. That the SO mode in MW2 will be like multiplayer with 2 people just like zombies is with 2-4. The SP Co-op mode is technically another place you can play in the game clarify:

                      Options to play:

                      -Co-op SP
                      -Zombies SP (by yourself)
                      -Zombies Co-op (with 1-3 other friends)

                      -Special Ops (by yourself???)
                      -Special Ops Co-op (1 other friend)

                      As you can see, there are more playable options in CoD:WaW. My point was that CoD:WaW had more playable modes to please more gamers, aka they spent the extra time on the game to include more modes. Technically only one more if you can play SO by yourself in MW2. But it takes a lot of time to go back and make the SP playable for co-op, so that shouldn't just be overlooked of what Treyarch did.
                      Actually I wasn't clear on what I was saying. What I said was that the co-op campaign doesnt belong in a COD I wasnt referring to the Zombie modes at all. I never managed to get waw (must do sometime, just dont have money right now) But from what I heard (pure speculation on my part) It didn't really belong. That, however, isnt fact, its just PURELY my opinion.


                      • #12
                        Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                        I personally enjoyed W@W more than CoD4 and i racked up a good 200 hours on each.


                        • #13
                          Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                          Originally posted by 5t3v0
                          Actually I wasn't clear on what I was saying. What I said was that the co-op campaign doesnt belong in a COD I wasnt referring to the Zombie modes at all. I never managed to get waw (must do sometime, just dont have money right now) But from what I heard (pure speculation on my part) It didn't really belong. That, however, isnt fact, its just PURELY my opinion.
                          Ahh okay, I get ya. Yeah, maybe some people who didn't like/didn't have CoD:WaW said that? I could see saying something like that maybe if I didn't have the game, but it does fit imo. CoD:WaW is very gruesome, so having a gruesome Nazi Zombies mode fits perfectly. Plus, people can't argue without huge of a hit it has been with gamers. Console people salivate over the mode, and as far as custom CoD:WaW maps...about 95% are zombie maps.


                          • #14
                            Re: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions

                            Originally posted by JoMaMaz
                            Ahh okay, I get ya. Yeah, maybe some people who didn't like/didn't have CoD:WaW said that? I could see saying something like that maybe if I didn't have the game, but it does fit imo. CoD:WaW is very gruesome, so having a gruesome Nazi Zombies mode fits perfectly. Plus, people can't argue without huge of a hit it has been with gamers. Console people salivate over the mode, and as far as custom CoD:WaW maps...about 95% are zombie maps.
                            Not to get into old discussions but I think it was someone from IW. Okay, thinking about it, I think it might belong in the Treyarch made COD's, as treyarch have their own personal style in COD, but IW CODs always felt personal, like you were soap mactavish, or, untill he was nuked, Paul Jackson. This isnt saying that WAW has no personality, its just a different approach.

