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Map Pack 3 - Der Riese Map Overhead

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  • Map Pack 3 - Der Riese Map Overhead

    More overhead schematics recently made their way to the Call of Duty Hub, this time for the zombie map Der Riese. Check it out:
    We are digging deeper into the mystery of this zombie plague and we have uncovered shrouded intel detailing a hidden facility in the German country side. Trailing this conspiracy is one rabbit hole we fear to enter, but if we ever hope to eradicate this threat, we must pursue all leads.

    Intel is limited, but we have managed to recover blue prints of the structure. The facility is known as Der Riese, which translates to "The Giant" in English. What we can gather so far, leads us to believe the facility was used for the most gruesome and ghastly experiments. I tremble at the thoughts of what horrors await those who enter its bloodied doorways.

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>
    Meanwhile, our engineers have been able to discover massive amounts of electricity being consumed within the facility's walls. Rumors suggest that the scientist within were able to create working prototypes of human teleporters. Initially, I would have shrugged this intel off as nonsense, but after transcribing the reports of Shi No Numa, I don't know what to believe.

    For anyone who finds themselves within the walls of this facility, I pray for your safe return. If this is the epicenter of the zombie infestation, may you find the courage to face this evil in its most unholy grounds and find the strength to send its inhabitants back to Hell.

    Map pack 3 will be released tomorrow, August 6th, for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

  • #2
    Re: Map Pack 3 - Der Riese Map Overhead

    LOL I like how Treyarch actually talks to you as if they were generals talking to the customers (the privates).


    • #3
      Re: Map Pack 3 - Der Riese Map Overhead

      Originally posted by VoraciousBear
      LOL I like how Treyarch actually talks to you as if they were generals talking to the customers (the privates).
      Ditto. It makes it more interesting to read their info.


      • #4
        Re: Map Pack 3 - Der Riese map Overhead ***Improved***

        Here is a small key here to help inform what everything represents.

        Blue lines are Doors you have to pay for
        Brown lines are Zombie windows
        Small green lines are weapons on the wall
        Red blocks are Electric Barrier switches
        Yellow is the Electric Barriers
        Orange blocks are Mystery boxes
        Purple is grenades
        Bouncing Bettys are only in 1 place.

        Most rooms are single use and have no need to reflect both floors. Only the area behind
        the bridge at the top of the stairs has wall apparent mistakes, but it makes the map
        understandable for both floors.

        Please comment because I LIKE IT.


