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Two Visceral Games Executives Defect To New Activision Studio

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  • Two Visceral Games Executives Defect To New Activision Studio

    Earlier this week Activision announced that they were opening a new studio in the San Francisco Bay Area. Now news has broke that two Visceral Games executives have left the company for the new Activision studio. Check it out:
    [FL][/FL]General Manager Glen Schofield and COO Michael Condrey have left the recently renamed Visceral Games (formerly EA Redwood Shores) to join the new Activision studio opening near San Francisco.

    After this story was first reported, an EA rep gave GameSpot the following statement: "I can confirm that Glen and Michael are exiting EA. It takes a team of talented people to make a highly rated game like Dead Space. The team at Visceral are currently working on Dante's Inferno, Dead Space Extraction, and new titles that will be announced at a later date." EA also emphasized that EA senior vice president Nick Earl continues to oversee Visceral, where production on Dante's Inferno and Dead Space Extraction is continuing apace.

    Activision has confirmed that the exiting EA executives will indeed head up its new San Mateo, California ship. "We are currently hiring employees to work at a new studio that is opening in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California," a rep told GameSpot. "Glen Schofield along with Michael Condrey will lead the studio which will be creating a new game based on one of Activision's existing franchises. We will be providing more details regarding the game at a later date.

    Glen Schofield is best known for leading the studio in a new direction and creating the new Sci-Fi license Dead Space as well as recreating the studios image and name.

    This is a big loss to the studio but EA says they are not worried and will continue on with development of Dead Space: Extraction, Dante's Inferno and other unannounced titles.