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Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

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  • Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

    The champions of game blogging over at Kotaku have posted a mini-review of Battlefield 1943 with a rundown of what they loved and hated about the game.
    the developers behind Mirror's Edge and Battlefield 1942, bring us Battlefield 1943, a PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade downloadable first person shooter set against the backdrop of World War II's Pacific front.

    This is the latest entry in the Battlefield franchise and the first downloadable-only console version. The shooter rolls out three Battlefield maps for ground and air action (Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal and Wake Island) and a newly unlocked airplanes-versus-carriers map Coral Sea on the XBLA Version. The map was unlocked when the 43 millionth kill was recorded — a feat the PlayStation 3 version should also achieve shortly.


    Stripped Down FPS: EA DICE has limited the number of classes from five in the previous game to three. Also gone is the European front of Battlefield 1942. It gives the game a pared down feel, as if it's been whittled down to a point—a very sharp point. With fewer classes to contend with, new players can best suit their play style. That means there are also fewer variables for players to deal with, making it possible to focus on things like teamwork, how to best navigate the map, title's largely unforgiving and ultimately satisfying weapon targeting.

    Air Strikes: In Battlefield 1943, a welcome addition is the ability to phone in pinpointed carpet bombing air strikes. It can be a game changer, and it adds another level of play, giving 1943 an extra layer of strategy.
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  • #2
    Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

    I fail to see how less is more. Less classes means more depth? What are you smoking? Less players must mean that is 'more focused' as well right? Heck lets just get down to 1 gun, 1 vehicle type, and 2 players for the BEST possible gaming experience right?

    If less is more then 1943 is your game that is for darn sure. Less players, less graphics (worse than BF2 which is 5 years old!), less maps, less classes, less vehicles, less fun. But at least it comes with a smaller price tag right?


    • #3
      Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

      Originally posted by Greasy_Mullet
      I fail to see how less is more. Less classes means more depth? What are you smoking? Less players must mean that is 'more focused' as well right? Heck lets just get down to 1 gun, 1 vehicle type, and 2 players for the BEST possible gaming experience right?

      If less is more then 1943 is your game that is for darn sure. Less players, less graphics (worse than BF2 which is 5 years old!), less maps, less classes, less vehicles, less fun. But at least it comes with a smaller price tag right?
      No one said you had to buy or play it.


      • #4
        Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

        Originally posted by stilla-killa
        No one said you had to buy or play it.
        You are correct. I am just a long standing BF player since the first days of 1942 that has been with the community since and been active in mods as well for the past 5+ years.

        Simply put the vets out there no longer fit the 'demo' Dice is aiming for and they continue to put out games that are worse and worse. This one is an absolute abomination and a slap in the face to 1942 vets that want a real follow up made in the same mold as the original.

        I had a small glimmer of hope for this but after playing the demo it was even worse than I thought. The biggest shocker was how horrible the graphics were.

        It is very frustrating as the Dice team has a lot of talent but they have not been using it very well for the past several years. I just wish they would go back to focusing on doing what they do best and stop with these cheap amateurish kid games that are such a waste of their talents.


        • #5
          Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

          Maybe the PC version will be less 'consolish'. I don't expect them to add in support for 48 players or anything, but hopefully the controls and interface will be more like the PC-titles (no exterior vehicle crosshairs for tanks, no red arrow above the enemy's head, etc.). They're spending an extra 3 months on the PC version so it has to have some improvements over the consoles, right?


          • #6
            Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

            Their just porting it over and cleaning it up a little bit, i dont expect anything stellar from them for this game or Bc2 on the pc (which they will delay after the console version). They may change the player count and the unlimited health and ammo but thats about it.

            Originally posted by Greasy_Mullet
            You are correct. I am just a long standing BF player since the first days of 1942 that has been with the community since and been active in mods as well for the past 5+ years.

            Simply put the vets out there no longer fit the 'demo' Dice is aiming for and they continue to put out games that are worse and worse. This one is an absolute abomination and a slap in the face to 1942 vets that want a real follow up made in the same mold as the original.

            I had a small glimmer of hope for this but after playing the demo it was even worse than I thought. The biggest shocker was how horrible the graphics were.

            It is very frustrating as the Dice team has a lot of talent but they have not been using it very well for the past several years. I just wish they would go back to focusing on doing what they do best and stop with these cheap amateurish kid games that are such a waste of their talents.
            +1 Rep, Exactly how i feel as well, the PC platform will allow for some Graphical improvements but there are still some things that need Serious work.


            • #7
              Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

              greasy mullet is right, but the bottom line is MONEY. larger target audience = more money. sorry, but that's just how it is. they can't cater to hardcore pc gamers anymore, that's not where the money's at.


              • #8
                Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                TL;DR edition: Hardcore fans - wait for BF3.


                • #9
                  Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                  Originally posted by Wizrdwarts
                  TL;DR edition: Hardcore fans - wait for BF3.
                  BF3 will be released in 2013. long wait


                  • #10
                    Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                    I do not agree with the money angle because if you look at what the most popular games out there are, they are geared more towards the hard core players. What was a bigger hit, CoD4 or Bad Company? Which made more money you think? Which game did so well that the next game in the series will be a huge hit if it builds off the previous version? How is that Heroes game working out for them?

                    Point is that most players want more. Lots more and selling yourself short on all these half-butt games is not a money making formula.


                    • #11
                      Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                      hah, but games like the Sims have sold more than those 2 games mentioned combined and it's not even close.

                      this hasn't been a recent trend imo. if you compare BF2142 to BF2, you see how they simplified a lot of things in 2142 and less hardcore. it's been happening ever since BF2.


                      • #12
                        Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                        I don't want to start paying U$15 for DEMOS of unfinished games.


                        • #13
                          Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                          This isn't a demo, and it is finished. Note how it's been released....

                          DICE might have made a smaller package, but the quality is still there. Don't worry about the quantity


                          • #14
                            Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                            Originally posted by ThQp
                            This isn't a demo, and it is finished. Note how it's been released....

                            DICE might have made a smaller package, but the quality is still there. Don't worry about the quantity
                            If you think 1943 is quality then I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you and my friend from Nigeria has a sweet money transfer deal he would like to talk to you about.


                            • #15
                              Re: Kotaku Reviews Battlefield 1943

                              I think its pretty good played the demo =)

