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Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

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  • Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

    You would think the guys over at Eidos would have learned their lesson by now. After already trying to bribe critics into giving high review scores for both Kane & Lynch as well as Tomb Raider games, the company has allegedly tried again, this time with Batman: Arkham Asylum. Check it out:

    According to The RAM Raider, Eidos has been "encouraging" review scores of 90% and above by offering an early embargo break to any magazine that gives Arkham Asylum such a rating. Not only that, but willing magazines also have to make Eidos' Batman game the cover story for that issue. If you can guarantee a 90% score and a front cover, you can run your review earlier.

    This is, sadly, a common practice. I've been made similar offers by other publishers in the past, none of which have particularly interested me. However, the fact that it's Eidos, yet again, that can't cover up its chicanery is hilarious. If Eidos wants to be a corrupt, politicking, shady publisher, that's up to them -- however, they're going to have to learn to get way better at making sure people don't find out about it.

    Eidos, for their part, are denying the allegations, claiming that there is "not one single shred of truth" to the story. Considering the fact they've done it before, coupled with the other fact that it's been done many times in the past by other companies, I don't see why now would be any different from Eidos' usual MO.


    With all the gameplay trailers shown over the past few months, you would think Arkham Asylum would deserve such high scores. We can only wait, hoping that Batman doesn't share the same fate as Lara.

  • #2
    Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

    Kane & Lynch was trash tbqh, it's really sub par. Tomb Raider games i would not know as i have never touched them.

    Gamespot fired some guy (i can't remember his name) for giving a 6.0 to Kane & Lynch, he went on to make his own website, bloody developers. I tell you the best developer to come to my mind is Valve, second for the reviewer would have to be Yahtzee! imho.


    • #3
      Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

      In no way do I think this is appropriate, but it sucks how review scores can affect the sales of a game. I was appalled by the Gertsmann (by the way Giant Bombcast is hilarious) incident that happened during the Kane & Lynch release. Being a PR major makes me even more pissed at how unethical this situation, if it is true, is. However, I am really excited about getting my hands on Batman: Arkham Asylum!


      • #4
        Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

        God I hope Square Enix stampt this kind of **** out Eidos, gives them no credibility what so ever and makes you question the quality of the game before the "reviews" are even released.


        • #5
          Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

          This is why I dont rely on reviews or what game shows say. I go strictly by demos and what people say about a game. Mostly demos though.

          Twitter: @CptainCrunch
          Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


          • #6
            Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

            Originally posted by CptainCrunch
            This is why I dont rely on reviews or what game shows say. I go strictly by demos and what people say about a game. Mostly demos though.

            People write reviews you know. :thumbsup: I should know, I'm one of them.


            • #7
              Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

              Manzi takes bribes


              • #8
                Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

                Originally posted by yetweallfalldown
                In no way do I think this is appropriate, but it sucks how review scores can affect the sales of a game. I was appalled by the Gertsmann (by the way Giant Bombcast is hilarious) incident that happened during the Kane & Lynch release. Being a PR major makes me even more pissed at how unethical this situation, if it is true, is. However, I am really excited about getting my hands on Batman: Arkham Asylum!
                That was the incident at gamespot i was referring to


                • #9
                  Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

                  I doubt Eidos are the only publishers who give out bribes.

                  Unfortunately, I'm the kind of guy who relies on reviews before he purchases a game.


                  • #10
                    Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

                    Originally posted by Manzi
                    People write reviews you know. :thumbsup: I should know, I'm one of them.
                    Yes, but as this article points out, some people write reviews for a certain reason.

                    Also, I take TGNs reviews more seriously than others because, to me, they dont have some motive behind them. I also know you guys a bit better than a magazine reviewer.

                    Even then though I rely mostly on the demo, screenshots, videos because I have some picky tastes in video games. Out of all the games people have bought me, only my brother can pick out games I like. Ive actually told everyone else to not buy me games because I dont want to have them waste their money.

                    So, I dont see TGN reviewers the same way as these magazines

                    Love the reviews btw, keep it up

                    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                    • #11
                      Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

                      Originally posted by yetweallfalldown
                      In no way do I think this is appropriate, but it sucks how review scores can affect the sales of a game.
                      That is not unique for games , I look at reviews whenever I buy cars, games, electronics etc.
                      Crap reviews causes crap sales because people don't want crap products, its as simple as that.

                      And games that comes without a demo causes me to be even more cautious, they are probably hiding something


                      • #12
                        Re: Eidos In Review Trouble...Again

                        Originally posted by Vreki
                        And games that comes without a demo causes me to be even more cautious, they are probably hiding something

                        FFOW didnt have a demo......oh wait

