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Valve Releases Novint Falcon Support For Select Games

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  • Valve Releases Novint Falcon Support For Select Games

    Valve has announced today that they have added support to a number of their games for the Novint Falcon. Here's some further information on this announcement:
    Valve Corporation, one of the video game industry's leading entertainment software and technology companies, announced today that they have released support for the Novint Falcon for several of their best selling games. The Novint Falcon is an entirely new type of interface for PC gaming. Essentially a small robot, the Falcon lets players feel high-fidelity three-dimensional touch in enabled games.

    Today, an update was distributed through Steam adding Novint Falcon compatibility for customers of The Orange Box which includes Half-Life 2: Episodes 1 and 2 (the original Half-Life 2 is playable with the Falcon through a download available from Novint), Portal, and Team Fortress 2. Additionally Valve will soon release support for other leading titles including Left 4 Dead, Day of Defeat Source, and Counter-Strike: SourceĀ®. Using the Falcon, players feel realistic weapon recoil, enemy attacks, vehicle movements, and interactions with the environment. Novint has also released its must have Pistol Grip accessory, which replaces the standard Falcon grip to create an even more immersive FPS gaming experience.

    Customers interested in purchasing a Falcon to use with Valve's games can do so at Novint's site, Novint is currently offering a special Orange Box bundle, priced at $149, for one week only in celebration of the launch. The bundle includes the award winning Novint Falcon, the pistol grip, the Orange Box, and over $150 of additional software.

    "We're very excited to partner with a company so dominant in the PC game industry," said Novint CEO, Tom Anderson. "Their sustained excellence, best-selling games, enormous user base, and forward looking vision make them standard bearers for the industry. We feel Falcon support for their online games in particular could be our first real killer app, which is an exciting milestone."

    You can learn more about this product, including some demos of it in action, by visit this page.

  • #2
    Re: Valve Releases Novint Falcon Support For Select Games

    That thing would be no good for fps games WITHOUT the gun grip. Interesting idea though. Most things like this usually fail, but this thing does look pretty cool. And having Valve support it is a HUGE plus for this company. I don't like how the guy in the vid was aiming it to the right instead of straight on, that would bug me. At first, with most gadgets, you think this would make the game harder, cooler, but harder and not as practical as a mouse. BUT, if it is true to the recoil and such, if you could actually 'feel' that instead of just seeing it on screen, you could maybe compensate more for it like you do in real life. Hmm, I'll check this out more later when I'm not at work.

    Cool idea though! Combine this with Nvidia's 3d stuff they'll be coming out with soon and we're getting that closer to virtual long as we get to still move with our keyboard! :laugh:

    And here is my prob, I bet this thing may be awesome, and then games will never be the same as some of those praises stated, but then exactly, games won't be the same. SO, is MW2 or future CoD titles going to be supported for this thing?

    And when is this week period going on? I'm interested in this thing and I have a bday very soon lol.

