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Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

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  • Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

    Gordon Van Dyke has posted some brief info on the matchmaking system in Battlefield 1943 for those who are still confused over it. Take a look:
    Remembered this detail that might help; There is one person the creates the Lobby and sets the Server to the map, once he invites one person (i.e. other clan leader if it is a clan match) and he invites people he knows that the lobby creator might not. The creator of the Lobby then manages the team and sorts who is on what team. So if friends want to muck about have your friends invite their friends. Bit tired today, so let me know if that makes any sense...

    You can check out the original source here. There's also a message later in the same thread from DICE member Sibben further explaining the system:
    Battlefield 1943 is a server/client game and not peer-to-peer. That means we set up the servers and pay for them. It's just not possible for us to have an unlimited amount of servers running which means we need to find some balance. So if two chaps start a game just to LOL around that means there is one sever less available for a full set of people who wants to play a proper game. This is the reason we set a 8 vs 8 limit as we still want to provide clans with a possibility to set up their own games.

    For a fifteen dollar downloadable game I think that's a pretty fair deal. So does Gordon, and my guess is that that's why he gets a little peeved off when people just demand the moon. I know because it ticks me off a bit too. We're really trying to give you a good game at a decent price point and there are limitations to what we can do.

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

    It sounds like hard work to have a simple game?


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

      Originally posted by xRAMBOx
      It sounds like hard work to have a simple game?
      There was another post in that thread by another member of DICE further explaining why the system the way it is. I've added it to the original post so check it out there.


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

        I totally enderstand the way it is, peeps should be gratefull this is being done to help the clan community. First in should be the admin & chin up Gordon, doesn't everybody die a tiny little bit each day they go to work lol


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

          Newsflash for DICE and Co:

          High standards produce high expectations

          Don't demonize the people who try to push you guys to where you are.

          I've lost a bit of interest in this game (probably because there are so many other good ones coming out on console, along with the recent announcement of BF3), but I think it could take off on the competitive gaming front with having good servers for once, peer-to-peer just annoys me.


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield 1943 Match System Explained

            I can't wait. I am going to get the PS3 version to get me ready to play the PC version.

