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CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

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  • CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

    We have some details pertaining to the upcoming patch for the PC version of CoD:WaW. Now, there is still no release date, but we do have another patch on the way. The issue of the 2nd map pack for the PC is also addressed. Read below for the for the update from JD_2020 (Josh Olin, Treyarch's Community Manager).

    Hey PC fans,

    I wanted to take the time to go over the Patch 1.5 details with you all. There is no release date yet. This patch is in test right now and assuming that there aren’t any problems, the following updates will be made:

    PC Patch 1.5:
    * CO-OP hosts can now kick players from their lobby
    * Improved dog spawning in MP
    * Addressed an issue with Zombie pathing
    * Fixed an instance of the player model displaying incorrectly
    * Some unhandled exception errors have been addressed
    * Improved server browser’s refresh functionality when the Source is set to ‘Favorites’
    * Added support for CODTV
    * “cg_DrawFPS 1” now only displays FPS and cg ms/frame
    * Added RCon command "teamstatus" to display players’ team information

    Additionally, the following Modding items have been addressed – modders take note:

    * Mods: Added joinsquad script function
    * Mods: Players can now join CO-OP lobbies that are hosting map names with more than eighteen characters
    * Mods: Users can now load custom maps when the usermaps folder contains fifty or more custom maps
    * Mods: Removed the loading of duplicate assets that contributed to the ‘2048 materials’ error
    * Mods: Increased the amount of mods displayable in the Mods menu
    * Mods: Fixed a crash related to the mod.arena file

    I’d like to call attention to the CoDTV support – we’ve been working closely with Garetjax, the creator of over the past few months. It is important to note: we did not create or integrate CoDTV into Call of Duty: World at War; rather, we implemented the necessary support functionality into the game client for his CoDTV program to function. Visit for additional updates on that project.

    Finally, we are continuing to work on support for Map Pack 2 on the PC. I have no specific information to provide on this yet, but I will update the community when there are more details.


    It will be nice to have another patch, and of course, I believe it's now safe to say the PC WILL be getting the 2nd map pack also when they find a sponsor as in the past. Thank goodness because the 2nd map pack seems to be quite awesome!


  • #2
    Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

    You didn't re-add prone Bi-Pods? You ****s!
    That was HONESTLY my favorite thing about the game.


    • #3
      Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

      No bi-pods!!!)!0110101012111 This game blows.

      LOL, come on thejeran, was that all you liked about WaW? I dont think MW2 will have bipods.

      Good list of fixes. I am a bit surprised they did a codtv as the game has been out for a while and the lack fo the /record function killed it from being used for competition. Are there other uses for codtv like movie making?

      Twitter: @CptainCrunch
      Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


      • #4
        Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

        Originally posted by JoMaMaz
        ........ when they find a sponsor as in the past. Thank goodness because the 2nd map pack seems to be quite awesome!
        Someone tell them GM has no money!!!!

        I am sure they have already made there $$$$ ten-fold. Now they are just getting downright greedy!!!


        • #5
          Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

          Originally posted by Rogue Warrior
          Someone tell them GM has no money!!!!

          I am sure they have already made there $$$$ ten-fold. Now they are just getting downright greedy!!!
          Why stop at whatever's bringing in the green?


          • #6
            Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

            You are getting the mappack for FREE!


            • #7
              Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

              Too bad I couldn't play the game b/c of Punkbuster B problems but then again that is probably on my end lol.


              • #8
                Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

                Originally posted by stilla-killa
                Too bad I couldn't play the game b/c of Punkbuster B problems but then again that is probably on my end lol.
                I have problems every time they update it. You need to manually update it, then everything works fine.

                Go here.


                • #9
                  Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

                  Originally posted by JoMaMaz
                  I have problems every time they update it. You need to manually update it, then everything works fine.

                  Go here.
                  I do that almost everytime before I play and it always says there are no new updates. I have already un-installed the game. Thing is I don't have a problem with the other games I play online, only with COD:WaW.


                  • #10
                    Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

                    What i did to fix my PB i went to the windows folder and found my Pnkbsterb.exe and deleated it, then restarted my TS and started up the game and it worked.


                    • #11
                      Re: CoD:WaW PC Patch 1.5 details

                      YAY Map pack 2 for PC. Good list of fixes too.

