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AA3 Dev Speaks Out

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  • AA3 Dev Speaks Out

    After the recent botched release of America's Army 3, one of the now laid-off development team members had a few things to say about the release:
    I worked as a Dev at AA Emeryville for the last year and a half and I hope I can appeal to your rationality and common sense. I would like you to imagine trying to build a game with an impossible deadline, steadily declining workforce (via firings), A hiring freeze, constantly being fed misinformation, having the "higher ups" completely ignore your weekly plea for either A) more time, or B) more manpower, working a ton of unpaid overtime, pouring your heart and soul into a misadventure only to have the uniformed community scoff at you for uncontrollable variables..... RIGHT when you've just lost your job.

    There are problems with the release beyond the devs control. In fact, the bureaucracy is so convoluted that you can't even begin to imagine the breadth and scope of B.S. the devs had to deal with daily. in short, imagine being the subcontractor of a subcontractor of a contractor to the government. Sure Millions of dollars may have been poured into this project, but how much do you think made it to the actual DEV team, the people MAKING the game, after it was filtered by the bureaucracy?

    I realize if you are a gamer, you rightly expect a game to work. period. But I would ask that you imagine for a second that you actually DON'T understand what it takes to make this particular game, and you really don't understand the many obstacles that were placed in front of the Devs... in nerdy terms: A Kobiyashi maru.

    What I would like you to understand is that the Devs did everything they could, worked a TON of unpaid overtime, put their time and passion into an un-winnable situation, and were effectively stabbed in the back. Many of these guys are my close friends, they have family to take care of, and overpriced rent to deal with. They just came off busting their butts for months, to be let go, without warning. Perhaps a little empathy is in order here.

    Almost every multiplayer online game has problems upon release. These problems become exaggerated when a development team is kept in constant turmoil and paranoia via misinformation and a high rate of employee turnover. When the people you trust around you are being let go, it becomes difficult to emotionally invest yourself in the titanic sinking ship. Nonetheless, I can tell you the Devs STILL pushed themselves as hard as they could.

    Furthermore, the problem with the game at this point, has everything to do with the authentication servers being slammed, A.K.A not a controllable variable by the Devs. Sure there are bugs, they WERE being fixed, and now you'll be lucky to see any fixes in the near future.

    For those of you who think Redstone arsenal will do a better job, well.... I won't have to tell you that you're sadly mistaken because you'll see for yourself.

    I'm not sure why i've felt compelled to write this when I'm sure it will get deleted, or even scoffed at further, but I hoped to let the fans know that we tried as hard as we could and are very bummed to see the fruits of our labor shoved at gamers like a heaping pile of crap.
    One can only hope that a quick patch will turn this game around before the release buzz wears off and it falls off of the radar entirely.

  • #2
    Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

    Originally posted by CaptainKirk
    I would like you to imagine trying to build a game with an impossible deadline, steadily declining workforce (via firings), A hiring freeze, constantly being fed misinformation, having the "higher ups" completely ignore your weekly plea for either A) more time, or B) more manpower, working a ton of unpaid overtime, pouring your heart and soul into a misadventure...
    In other words...imagine working at EA.


    • #3
      Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

      Originally posted by Whiskey
      In other words...imagine working at EA.
      Oh no he didn't! :awes2


      • #4
        Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

        Hmm..... So..... I have come to the conclusion that AA3 is a heaping pile of Crap, that the US Army is responsible for. If this was a chance for them to make people feel that they should enter the Military, then theyre wrong.


        • #5
          Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

          This guy is right though. Most of us don't even have the first clue as to what it takes to make a game but we act like we do.

          Also isn't that illegal for them not to get paid overtime? Can't they sue the Army for unpaid wages?


          • #6
            Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

            The game barley works tho. Runs at 20 fps even at training and that has nothing to do with the Auth server or bandwidth... Most of the voices are not recorded properly they have echo feedback bouncing of the walls of the room they recorded in, so the guy in Fit To Win sounds like his in a small room instead of being outside. So that only tells me they didn't use a studio for recording. The gun sounds are pretty bad if you think this was developed for the army they would have good audio recordings. The servers lag a lot no matter how good the server box is. UT3 engine was a given yet the graphics are nothing spectacular.

            There is no notice that a server is full it just boots you back to login screen, server browser is pretty bad, never shows actual player counts.

            These are not the first developers to work by deadlines and under pressure.


            • #7
              Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

              Originally posted by stilla-killa
              This guy is right though. Most of us don't even have the first clue as to what it takes to make a game but we act like we do.

              Also isn't that illegal for them not to get paid overtime? Can't they sue the Army for unpaid wages?
              No. That's a salaried position, not an hourly wage position. Salaried employees can be made to work as much as or as little as needed.

              Trust me, after tiptoeing into the world of game development, I doubt you'll ever see me scoff at a game developer, at least on time issues. Same with most mod developers; they know what it takes, and while you may see them plead for fixes, I doubt very highly any of them will ever flame a dev'p company.


              • #8
                Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                Originally posted by Webs961
                No. That's a salaried position, not an hourly wage position. Salaried employees can be made to work as much as or as little as needed.

                Trust me, after tiptoeing into the world of game development, I doubt you'll ever see me scoff at a game developer, at least on time issues. Same with most mod developers; they know what it takes, and while you may see them plead for fixes, I doubt very highly any of them will ever flame a dev'p company.
                Yes you are right, I didn't realize they were probably on salary.


                • #9
                  Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                  Well apparently they are trying to.


                  • #10
                    Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                    Originally posted by Whiskey
                    In other words...imagine working at EA.
                    I think this is even worse than EA.


                    • #11
                      Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                      From a person who worked at EA for quite a great length of time and was involved in quite a large number of projects both on the Dev and QA side of things I will say this. I have the worlds smallest violin and its playing for him.

                      Manpower shortages, and ****ty deadlines are part of game development, you do the best you can with what you are given. Are the fans going to like it ? No, probably not. However you accept that and do the best you can anyway. It's not like we didn't get paid extremely well, even though it was salary and OT wasn't paid, so what, I made enough money that I didn't care and actually enjoyed my job.

                      This guy is pointing fingers and making excuses, which simply don't need to be put to the public eye, proving he is nothing but bitter and jaded and potentially destroying any future career aspirations he might have in the industry. Good luck buddy, your gonna need it.


                      • #12
                        Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                        Then why LIE!!!!?!

                        The slogan for the game was "Every Detail Counts"

                        The description of the trailer was "See a trailer like no other, for a game like no other"

                        At the end of 'Technology' BTS video there was a montage of the developers saying
                        "AA3 will be the...." and each dev said one word about how badass the game would be. And then the outro came on.

                        I realize overhyping is how you make profit & publicity and what not. But you can't lie this bad. Like, three McDoubles a day will keep the treadmill away, because they're so healthy, is almost on the same guidelines.

                        Yes, i have sympathy, but no when anyone who had not touched the game since release, would have no doubt in their mind that this was going to be a killer fun game.


                        • #13
                          Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                          Yeah, sucks to own this game for sure. Looks like everyone lost on this one.

                          Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                          Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                          • #14
                            Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                            Originally posted by thejeran
                            Then why LIE!!!!?!

                            The slogan for the game was "Every Detail Counts"

                            The description of the trailer was "See a trailer like no other, for a game like no other"

                            At the end of 'Technology' BTS video there was a montage of the developers saying
                            "AA3 will be the...." and each dev said one word about how badass the game would be. And then the outro came on.

                            I realize overhyping is how you make profit & publicity and what not. But you can't lie this bad. Like, three McDoubles a day will keep the treadmill away, because they're so healthy, is almost on the same guidelines.

                            Yes, i have sympathy, but no when anyone who had not touched the game since release, would have no doubt in their mind that this was going to be a killer fun game.
                            Thats because the US Army rushed the game. I reckon if they were given the time they need to complete the game, it would meet its slogan.


                            • #15
                              Re: AA3 Dev Speaks Out

                              "I worked as a Dev at AA Emeryville for the last year and a half and I hope I can appeal to your rationality and common sense. I would like you to imagine trying to build a game with an impossible deadline, steadily declining workforce (via firings), A hiring freeze, constantly being fed misinformation, having the "higher ups" completely ignore your weekly plea for either A) more time, or B) more manpower, working a ton of unpaid overtime, pouring your heart and soul into a misadventure only to have the uniformed community scoff at you for uncontrollable variables..... RIGHT when you've just lost your job.

                              There are problems with the release beyond the devs control. In fact, the bureaucracy is so convoluted that you can't even begin to imagine the breadth and scope of B.S. the devs had to deal with daily. in short, imagine being the subcontractor of a subcontractor of a contractor to the government. Sure Millions of dollars may have been poured into this project, but how much do you think made it to the actual DEV team, the people MAKING the game, after it was filtered by the bureaucracy?

                              I realize if you are a gamer, you rightly expect a game to work. period. But I would ask that you imagine for a second that you actually DON'T understand what it takes to make this particular game, and you really don't understand the many obstacles that were placed in front of the Devs... in nerdy terms: A Kobiyashi maru.

                              What I would like you to understand is that the Devs did everything they could, worked a TON of unpaid overtime, put their time and passion into an un-winnable situation, and were effectively stabbed in the back. Many of these guys are my close friends, they have family to take care of, and overpriced rent to deal with. They just came off busting their butts for months, to be let go, without warning. Perhaps a little empathy is in order here.

                              Almost every multiplayer online game has problems upon release. These problems become exaggerated when a development team is kept in constant turmoil and paranoia via misinformation and a high rate of employee turnover. When the people you trust around you are being let go, it becomes difficult to emotionally invest yourself in the titanic sinking ship. Nonetheless, I can tell you the Devs STILL pushed themselves as hard as they could.

                              Furthermore, the problem with the game at this point, has everything to do with the authentication servers being slammed, A.K.A not a controllable variable by the Devs. Sure there are bugs, they WERE being fixed, and now you'll be lucky to see any fixes in the near future.

                              For those of you who think Redstone arsenal will do a better job, well.... I won't have to tell you that you're sadly mistaken because you'll see for yourself.

                              I'm not sure why i've felt compelled to write this when I'm sure it will get deleted, or even scoffed at further, but I hoped to let the fans know that we tried as hard as we could and are very bummed to see the fruits of our labor shoved at gamers like a heaping pile of crap. "

