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COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

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  • COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

    Our community member hajas has sent in some news recently about the latest (and final) release of his mod Frontlines for COD4. Take a look:
    Frontlines brings 22 brand new gametypes to Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare, plus a Help Mode which will let you play a kind of realistic freeze-tag at all team based gametypes available, and together with also 11 Weapons Modes summing more than 600 different gametypes conbined. Also will come with really nice features from the common ones until few never made before like Hajas Duel, Hajas Invert Sides and the intelligent server which will choose the right maps, the right gametypes, the right weapons, the right rules, etc... all relative to the number of players on the server.

    And before you ask... YES! After many requests I decided to create a HER version also to COD4, which come with Frontlines to you use in Hardcore or in default game, with some tweaks in the damage, and also new physics and of course, LOTS of blood and gore. It's all configurable.

    Check the video that shows how Hajas Spawn Protection works. Basically will protect the players for 10 (configurable) seconds against Nades (Granade Launcher include), Rockets and AirStrikes.

    This also include any second wave damage caused by them like Car and Barrel explosions. HSP can be activated in ANY gametype, include the original ones.

    Also come with a revolutionary feature called War Server, which will transform a single server in a full war, with many different battles and a final objective to complete.

    This War can be completely configured and depending of the size setted could finish in one day or take years to reach the end like a real war. You can setup Wars with battlefields up to 101 territories with which gametypes and rules you want.

    To learn more about this mod be sure to visit here.

  • #2
    Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

    watch the video below: :thumbsup:


    dunno why was cut off... :shock:

    enjoy! :salute:
    Music @ | Games @ | Blood @


    • #3
      Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

      Great mod, I set up a server running it today and we've been playing it all night!

      Thanks, Hajas, for a really well made mod - both funny with great variation! So far Wrath and the various escort/VIP gameplays are the most enjoyful to play!


      • #4
        Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

        thank you! glad you enjoyed! will add your server to my site soon as possible! enjoy! :P
        Music @ | Games @ | Blood @


        • #5
          Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

          I wish more American servers had this mod, or maybe they do, but they're not listed on your site I guess? This thing has a lot of depth to it. I hope you continue your mods on through the CoD series. :thumbsup:


          • #6
            Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

            Tonight we gonna play the biggest war in the FPS history!

            come to play with us tonight!

            Blood Culture Server 64 slots :

            the War starts at 21hs GMT -3... be part of the biggest war in FPS history!

            see you on the battlefield soldier :salute:
            Music @ | Games @ | Blood @


            • #7
              Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

              Thank you to everyone that came to play with us yesterday!
              was really cool then we don't played just a war, but 2 wars for many hours! hehehe :P

              was really fun! thanks for fill the server during these amazing moments!

              see you on next time...
              Music @ | Games @ | Blood @


              • #8
                Re: COD4 Mod - Frontlines v5.0 (Final) Released

                A fix patch for Frontlines was released today!

                5.01 Fixes

                . Few English misstype corrections
                . War Server scoreboard crash with over 48 players
                . War Server x Uprising bug
                . Now all weapons are removed during Wrath's Extra Time
                . Now all weapons are removed during Exterminate's Extra Time
                . Keep Heli Support for next round on Escape
                . Keep Heli Support for next round on Escort
                . Keep Heli Support for next round on Assassin/VIP
                . Keep Heli Support for next round on Uprising
                . Radar bug after punish players on Duel
                You can download the full patched Frontlines 5.01 or if you already have Frontlines installed, just the Frontlines 5.01 Patch. Both must installed in the root of your COD4.

                more info and download at
                Music @ | Games @ | Blood @

