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Army of Two: The 40th Day - Community Day

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  • Army of Two: The 40th Day - Community Day

    Electronic Arts this weekend is hosting the Army of Two: The 40th Day Community Day Event in Montreal Canada. Check out the first piece of news released by EA below: Total Gaming Network's very own Dairkua is in attendance and will give you more information on the event when he returns.
    [FL][/FL]An Inside Look at the Army of Two: The 40th Day

    The day is starting off strong. During a quick walk from the hotel to the office, we were was able to take some pictures of the city. Now that we're at the studio, we started off by watching the first, unreleased trailer for Army of Two: The 40th Day! While I can't go into details for it just yet, it looks really, really good. You can check out the trailer for yourself on April 30th on SPIKE TV's GameTrailersTV.

    Matt Turner, Producer for AO2, started the session with a game overview. There have been several changes from the first game including a pinch of the following:

    - Remapped button controls for easier accessibility
    - Multiple solution options for for objective completion
    - "Bidding" mini-games for additional objectives (This is cool, trust me).
    - Facial capture animations now that you can raise/lower the mask. This feature also acts as a visual queue for when the combat is over.
    - Co-Op Playbook for improved commands of your partner AI

    While the game is very early in development, the visuals are amazing and the environment feels very alive. You are dropped into Shanghai, China, which is currently under attack over the course of a few days. You don't know the who/how/why, so getting out alive is your top priority. This experience is pretty visceral given that at any time a building you're sprinting by (yes, sprint is now added) could be destroyed. Oh, and watch out for the zoo animals....

    AI for the game has also been given an upgrade. Enemies will now advance, retreat, seek cover, use "shield", and more. This level of detail makes the combat much more intense and really forces you to work with your partner to stay alive and clear the room (or street, or building, or...well, you get the idea). Engagement for enemies can be approached through different means where you can approach a situation using stealth and take enemies out quietly without firing a shot, or use the element of surprise and run in to gun everyone down. While achievements are still in development, I can only imagine what they will look like given this new feature of player choice.

    Audio for the game is top notch. The team spent four days using approximately 85 microphones in order to capture the various sounds used for the game.

    The session wrapped with group interviews for key members of the development team. Look for that content to be available in the next couple weeks.

    Be sure to check back to Total Gaming Network for our impressions from the event and check for more info as well.