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Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

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  • Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

    Prepare for some new Nazi zombie ownage before Verruckt comes out! Some of the modders over at have created Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0 which is not just a map, but has a lot of gameplay changes. Check out a few out the changes below and read the rest of the information in our download section here.

    • The zombies are more terrifying ( if that was possible they are zombies after all )
    • The eye glow has changed to red just to make them creepier (see above comment)
    • There is more decay on the bodies
    • Crawlers can be created more easily, everyone loves a crawler
    • Weapon prices have been increased on most wall-bought items
    • At the mystery box, anyone can grab a weapon that has been spun for. This is a lot of fun, you can either help someone out by buying them a weapon or you can steal their weapon if they are too slow grabbing it
    • When a player goes down, they lose 10% of their points, if they die they will lose another 23% of their points
    • There are more powerups, there is single player invulnerability bonus(for 30 seconds), unlimited ammo, (30 seconds) or single player gets full ammo
    • There are also traps; no points (for 30 seconds), all players lose ammo, or an unlucky player loses ammo
    • The mystery box will sometimes close without warning randomly and mock the victim
    • There are a mix of levels, there are speed rounds, headshot only rounds, boss levels (I will explain more later)

    Download here.

    Quite an impressive list! Now, there are some people complaining that the difficulty is too hard, but BE SURE TO READ THE README! There is some extra info in there pertaining to gameplay which is very important if you want to last. Also, there is already a new version planned which will have 3 different difficulties. It seems to be getting quite positive reviews from gamers.

    A huge thanks to for the download as usual! The modders Way2Evil & FW-Corey are the creators of this mod and they are also part of Thanks to both of you for your hardwork. Please continue to create the great custom content!


  • #2
    Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

    Just tried it and to say the least it's very challenging...


    • #3
      Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

      So, do you think challenging in a good way, or do you agree with some people that it's a bit 'too much'? I never got to try this last night b/c other things got in the way of my gameage.

      A lot of people were saying that if the difficulty is modified (which it will have 3 difficulty levels to choose from in the next version), then it's absolutely great and fun!

      I have plans tonight also, so I probably won't get to try this until Wednesday night.


      • #4
        Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

        ^by wednesday night, you mean Saturday night with Pieman


        • #5
          Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

          I tried this out for a couple rounds last night. With more people, maybe it would be a different experience, but just playing alone, it was just "meh". It was just a lot harder, with what seemed like very little gameplay incentive to compensate for that increased difficulty.

          There seem to be too many zombies early on, which when combined with their increased health, allows too many of them into the house too quickly, not giving the user time to fix the barricades. Aimed headshots don't seem that effective, even with the rifles. Only once I got the Tommy did I feel safe, but by doing that, now the back room is open as well, allowing even more of them in. And with the upped zombie health, the player will burn through ammo even quicker.

          And the idea of "negative" power-ups seems silly, especially for this harder mode. Lose all of your ammo? Well, that's pretty much certain death in more cases than not, especially if you're either low on cash, or in a bad position on the map. Especially in this mode where extra ammo is needed because of the stronger zombies. I'm all for being creative, but that was just a dumb idea. Period.

          If they adjust it - maybe cut the difficulty by 50% - then I might play it more. But as it stands right now, yes, it was harder and more challenging, but so much so that it just wasn't fun, IMO.


          • #6
            Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

            Did you get to the bosses or the 'speed rounds'? I wasn't sure if you had to select those or if they just happen. The whole description talks about them.

            Also, FWCorey, one of the creators posted this over at CustomCoD:

            "The next release will be combined with the Modern Weapons mod. It will come in three flavors, Noob, Normal and Expert.
            Noob = 25% less health than the current mod and shooting in the body won't heal them on a Headshot round
            Normal = Same as the current MOD but body shots on Headshot rounds will heal them a 10% less, so you can still kill them with a full tommygun clip to the torso at close range before level 5
            Expert = Same as current MOD."

            Also someone was saying this:
            "Played it on fruxtreme with 3 people. While they normally need just 1 knife in round 1 they now needed to be knifed 10 times O_o
            Made it to level 4, then all the sudden they became like unkillable. 3 clips of the mp40 on a zombies head and he was still walking! Great mod, liked the bonus where you lose your ammo, we were like 'wtf??' Cheesy"

            FWCorey's response was:
            That's because level 4 is a headshot round, every shot to the body enrages them and makes them stronger! "Hit the nose!"


            • #7
              Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

              I agree, it sounds a bit TOO hard

              but I'm up for a challenge, anyone else man enough ?


              • #8
                Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

                Originally posted by JoMaMaz
                Did you get to the bosses or the 'speed rounds'? I wasn't sure if you had to select those or if they just happen.
                I think they just happen. I got to a speed round and a headshot round (lvl 4 I think), but not to the boss at level 5. I didn't have the energy or even want to try it again. Seemed pointless.

                Originally posted by JoMaMaz
                Made it to level 4, then all the sudden they became like unkillable. 3 clips of the mp40 on a zombies head and he was still walking!
                I basically experienced the same thing. Headshot round, I was doing headshots, and it was taking at least 6-7 rounds from a Tommy in the head to bring them down. Kiss your ammo goodbye. I think the creators may need to do more testing...something doesn't seem right. Glad to see someone else also thought losing all your ammo was dumb.


                • #9
                  Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

                  Updated the links in the above post. You can now get a direct download link through us for those not registered at or for those who just don't have the file yet.


                  • #10
                    Re: Nazi Zombie Tower Defense 2.0

                    this thing is way too evil (seriously no pun intended, i hate puns)..........the entire first round was jsut way too much w/out an auto.....also the headshot round sucked, WWII weapons are jsut too under powered and inaccurate to keep your crosshairs on the head for more then 5 rounds......boss was great tho.....when u see that more than 5 ray gun shots cant kill it u start to think about your sanity of doing the mod.....all in all tho its a great idea because i love desktop tower defence flash games and it has a lot of potential in not only showing us that cod's nazi zombie mode is amazing but also in that the potential of nazi zombie mode is almost limitless

