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Interstate Nitro Mod Update

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  • Interstate Nitro Mod Update

    Does anyone remember the game Interstate '76? I know I do. Released in 1997, it was an awesomely hilarious but surprisingly deep vehicular combat game for PCs. More than a decade later, it's back courtesy of the Interstate Nitro mod for BF2. The mod team has already released two open betas in the past, but today we've got a new update showcasing some new content they're working on for their next release. Check it out:
    This is Phatty2x4, Co-leader of the Interstate Nitro mod team. I thought I'd make a post to update everyone as to what's going on. We haven't gone anywhere, we're still kicking, albeit slowly but we're chugging along.

    First, we have a really small amount of active modders, maybe four. So if you have modeling, mapping, skinning or coding skills, please apply @ in the recruitment section. We really could use the help to speed up the process!

    Second, we have introduced Destructible Utility buildings, as well as making most objects in the world destroyable. Signs will break if you run into them, buildings blow up and and some objects, such as water towers and shacks collapse into jumps, just like Interstate 76!

    On utility buildings:

    These are spawnable buildings. There will be four different types of utility buildings and each type will have a Vigilante version and a Creeper version. The first building type will heal your character, the second will repair your vehicle, the third will give your character more ammo and the fourth will give your vehicle ammo.
    These buildings will not be placed on starting flags, instead they will be placed strategically on the neutral flags, so whoever takes over X flag will spawn one of their teams utility.
    Beware though, the opposing team can destroy your buildings crippling that specific utility for a certain amount of time and gain points in the process!

    Third, I've gathered up some new screen's of some new weapons. Not all, but most. The flash mine is still in the works, so no screens of it yet.
    Most of these weapons presented here weren't in beta1 or beta2, so it'll be a healthy addition to the Interstate Nitro Arsenal. Please note though, these aren't the final versions, as the skins still need work, but they're all mostly done.


    We've also been working on getting new vehicles into the mod. We have a short clip of the Mustang in action, but it has no skin yet. Still though, it's cool to see things come along. You can view that video here.

    Another change is the driver camera. Previously, you could freely look around and effectively shoot where you look. In the spirit of Interstate 76, we decided to remove this unlrealistic "free-shoot" and in the process, make the game more challenging and fun. You can still look around by pressing the CTL key, but your vehicles weapons will always fire forward towards the reticule.

    We've also added our own custom hud pieces. They obviously aren't done yet, but it's all starting to fall into place.

    Yeah, I know the interior sucks. It's being worked on.

    Lastly, about when a new patch will be out. I couldn't tell you at this point. We're trying to make a real patch and not just a fluff update like beta1 to beta2 was. We want to come out with a solid version of the mod, so it might take a couple months with the amount of people we have working on the mod to get things to where we want them.

    You can find out more about the Interstate Nitro mod by visiting their website. You can find this full news post here.

  • #2
    Re: Interstate Nitro Mod Update

    Kinda like Battlefield Interstate 1982 for BF1942


    • #3
      Re: Interstate Nitro Mod Update

      Great to see that this is alive!


      • #4
        Re: Interstate Nitro Mod Update

        I loved Interstate 76, I hope this one is as much fun...

        Any funky music from the 70's playing on the radio? :guitar:


        • #5
          Re: Interstate Nitro Mod Update

          Interstate 76' was a strange strange game..


          • #6
            Re: Interstate Nitro Mod Update

            Vehicular combat can be total win if done correctly...


            • #7
              Re: Interstate Nitro Mod Update

              This mod is more heavily focused on car combat than IS82 was. IS82 was more racing and stunts. This will have all of that, but the car combat is alot more fun and the main focus, not to mention the car handling/speed in general is alot more fun and not so boringly slow.

