
No announcement yet. Battlefield 1943 Interview

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  • #16
    Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

    I think its time I chime in on these forums after 3'ish years or so...

    I gotta agree w/ troybob. In one of the interviews they stated that Microsoft and Sony have strict networking limitations and that was one of the reasons for 24 players.

    Also while there are a lot of small clan matches don't forget full blown tournaments like the PR tournament, WaW, F|H, and BF2Combat who are rockin' full 64 player servers almost every week on BF2.


    • #17
      Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

      Originally posted by BIFF EXPLODER View Post
      well since the game isnt cross platform they could simply make it 32 for pc players if they think 64 is too much for some people's computers
      You forgot that would require actual effort on DICE's part and it would mean they actually care about PC gamers.


      • #18
        Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

        Wow. Nice to see you're still around azreal.

        Here's something for you all to consider:

        Currently here are some issues I have with BF1943:
        • Small Maps
        • Only 3 classes
        • Single point of Combat Philosophy

        This is why it is interesting to hear from DICE:

        This is contradicted in the Road to Rome trailer when they touted "Glorious Battlefields" (I interpret to be big). They also proudly showcase all 5 specialized infantry classes.

        Finally - One can notice that the camera will focus on one point of conflict and then get interupted by a plane en route to another point of conflict. Why the shift to keeping all the action in one spot? Why not big maps?


        All of these things made BF great. Why are they telling us these limitations are a step forward? I'm optimistic - I'd hate to spurt my mouth off and be proven wrong - but lets just hope this game is just for consoles and nothing for us to get upset about. They said they were working on something just for us and we should be happy for that.


        • #19
          Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

          If TGN made a pertition for making this for more than 24 players I would definately sign it.

          If I wanted to play close quater combat I would choose COD and not BF.


          • #20
            Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

            Atleast someone on DICE's team finally said that PC players would totally own console gamers.


            • #21
              Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

              FREE TRIAL VERSION? I didn't notice until now, that's great news.


              • #22
                Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                Bout 24p Maps he talks as if 1943 would have been made especially for clan-matches, in a bfbc break, an only for download console game ported to PC, for sure....
                He said that they firstly just were playing around - that's it, no one ever thought about a clanfriendly game that moment... for me this is just a bad excuse. Maybe someone could tell him how much different a clan match is in comparison to public play.

                But the point is, not as much ppl as now would ever complain about 1943, classes, 24p and all that stuff - if there would be an bf2-follow up announcement. There is such a lack of information to the pc players what is happening in the future. A clear statement, maybe a Q&A is overdue - but not about 1943.
                They should have done this before - get the bf2 patch done, a new community update just about if there will be a new pc exclusive within the next 2 years. That would suit the pc community and ppl would be wide more open to 1943.

                And if they did not thought about that, they obviously doesn't know what their fans are about OR they don't care - maybe they should write me an email to work in their department, but hey i'm no game designer. I am just sad.

                greetings from germany, hope you can read my english -.-


                • #23
                  Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

         The Battlefield franchise has a rich history and there's lots of interest. Fans are asking when you are going to make certain games. Do you keep an eye on the forums?

                  PL: Oh yes! I feel a little sad sometimes when people say they're lazy or they're not listening to the fans. Yes of course we keep track of what the forums are saying. I can't say anything really, but we have plans. Definitely big plans. The fans don't need to worry.
                  The tone of a few of these answers is interesting. They're speaking as if they're still hiding something.


                  • #24
                    Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                    Maybe they're hiding, because there is nothing atm. This is pure speculation but it is possible - nobody talks to us.


                    • #25
                      Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                      This guys got to be kidding. The whole reason I bought BF1942 to begin with was the advertisements on Gamespy with "A MASSIVE 64 PLAYERS" written on them. It was a key selling point -- sh*tloads of players and you can drive vehicles.

                      WTF does he mean its not the player count that matters?


                      • #26
                        Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                        Originally posted by Sir. Elxx View Post
                        [url=][B] PL: The pacing is made for that so it's perfect. Looking back at the original game, not a lot of servers had 64 players. Those that had were usually not full or had very bad performance.
                        LMFAO Have this guy ever visited Game Monitor? Has he even played BF2 or BF1942 at the height of their power?


                        The number is most likely in the hundreds on peak times. :dead:

                        I have never ever heard of a person having problems with 64p servers since bf1942!

                        Theres still a a good number 64p servers going for the Battlefield 1942, heck Project Reality mod has 5-6 alone. And there would be even more if they ever bothered to release that patch that will fix all these server/commander hackers that PB cant fix. This is unbelivable, its probably the most arrogant ******** i have ever heard in my entire life.

                        Tell us Patrick Liu what is the reason to continue bother with the Battlefield series? OFP2 and ARMA2 will be released this year, you got some breathing space for free when UT3, Crysis and frontlines fuel of war failed epicly, you lost some players to CoD4 and 5 but bf2 still remained strong, but how long are you going to keep your trusted fans since 2005 when BF heroes and BF1943 is all you got for a forseable future? Sooner or later some other game will come and in and take the rest of the loyal fans and modders.

                        I tought with the major criticism some higher EA executive would step in and say "Hey we are still working on a big BF game for PC". But no all i see is pathetic attempts to rebrand and convince us that 24player, 3 classes, auto generating health as "hardcore" :shakehead:


                        • #27
                          Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                          finally some what of a non bias interview.

                          Love how DICE is beating around the bush, 64 players was one of the key features that made BF unique and fun in the way the 64 players was used, having only 24 players with game modes and smaller maps forcing more combat into focused areas to get all the 24 players in the same spot is not what BF players generally want... But its all about money and they know that in order to sell this game on a concel with fully destructible environments (ie, blowing a perfect square out the side of a house with a rocket launcher) means they need to limit there game to 24 players in order for the game not to lag to crap...

                          IMHO I can tell you now, I will take player numbers of destructible environments any day after we met the limitations of the destructible environments in PR and we ended up with servers crashes the game when too many players where in with the dest objects, and what was more fun, having more people to play with and shoot that could come from any direction or have small maps, limiting the possibility of attacks and who attacks you and from where.

                          One of the selling points of BF1942 IIRC was something like "you will never have the same experiences twice guaranteed", and why was that? Because the maps where so large, there was so many players, and so many portability as to what could happen in game, unless you staged it you could not get it. With BF1943, play it long enough, with only 3 maps and what, 3 classes and focused combat your going to soon find it getting repetitive, become board and stop playing.

                          But obviously DICE/EA dont care about that since all they are really concerned about is the initial sale and nothing more...


                          • #28
                            Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                            It really seems to me that they are trying to do what valve did with steam. Valve has the Steam engine and DICE has the frostbite. So, they release a bunch of smaller, cheaper console ports one after the other. This way the games are short and un-modable. Making the over all playability shorter, freeing you up to buy another one of their games.

                            You see with BF1942 and BF2, people were able to get years and years out of the game. Maybe this hurt their sales over all and they are looking for a way to make money off the things we're used to getting for free.

                            Its not looking good is all I can say. It may be time to move on to OFP or Arma.


                            • #29
                              Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                              Originally posted by Dronetek View Post
                              It really seems to me that they are trying to do what valve did with steam. Valve has the Steam engine and DICE has the frostbite.
                              Wait what? Steam isn't a game engine, Frostbite is. Completetely different things. Besides, almost all of Valve's games are moddable and has support for custom maps.

                              So, they release a bunch of smaller, cheaper console ports one after the other. This way the games are short and un-modable.
                              A bunch? BF1943 is the only one so far, if BFBC2 is anything like the original it won't be a "short" game. And DICE has other projects in the works too.

                              I wouldn't jump to conclusions and say it's not looking good. BF1943 will be very welcome for newcomers to the franchise (and old-timers looking for a quick fix), it's not supposed to be a substitute for BC2/BF3/whatever.


                              • #30
                                Re: Battlefield 1943 Interview

                                ****ing console epidemic infected DICE... quit excusing that 24 players can be just as good as 64 players. Why not give us PC'ers 64 players or the 96 that frostbite is capable of? Because PC version will be just a quick port from the console version?

                                DICE/EA can keep it's console rubbish away from my PC.

