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Battlefield Heroes Website: "We're back online!"

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  • Battlefield Heroes Website: "We're back online!"

    Some observant forumgoers noticed yesterday that the Battlefield Heroes website had mysteriously disappeared. Did the economic crisis finally reach EA's favorite Swedish studio? Was DICE finally forced to pull the plug on their quirky cartoon shooter?

    Well, not quite. The site is back with a little note from the BFH team. Check it out:
    <blockquote style="background:#eae8d2; padding:5px;">Good morning, Heroes.

    We thought you would like to know that we’re progressing nicely with the new site for the upcoming Closed Beta.

    Although we’re not quite ready to share it with you yet, you’ll be happy to know that the back-end has been polished and now we’re tinkering with other little parts to make sure everything is ready when we start things up again.

    As some of you may have noticed, some of this tinkering caused the site to be temporarily unavailable. But not to worry, sometimes tinkering can make technology do strange things. Although that obviously isn’t ideal, we’re always working on more measures to make sure this won’t be happening too often in future.

    Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to stop by the forums to chat.

    The Battlefield Heroes Team</blockquote>If you haven't signed up for the upcoming beta yet, hop on over to the Battlefield Heroes website for instructions.

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield Heroes website: &quot;We're back online!&quot;

    Dieing for my Beta key! :dead:


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield Heroes website: &quot;We're back online!&quot;

      does some1 realy care??????? itstead posting this crap give us at least some videos


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield Heroes website: &quot;We're back online!&quot;

        Oops, wrong side of the bed this morning? lol


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield Heroes website: &quot;We're back online!&quot;

          When they say tinkering i get this strange image of an elderly man wearing dirty overalls, with a pipe hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Both his hands are covered in think black soot of some kind but he clasps a large adjustable wrench in his left hand with a firm grip. In his right hand he holds on old rag, although it is not clear whether it is used to mop his brow or clean away dirt.

          He is staring blankly at a computer screen with a BSOD wearing an expression that says he can fix it eventually, he knows that if a room full of monkeys and typewriters can eventually produce Shakespeare that surely in the fullness of time he will fathom the solution to error glaring at him from the screen.


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield Heroes website: &quot;We're back online!&quot;

            i just want my damn beta key


            • #7
              Re: Battlefield Heroes website: &quot;We're back online!&quot;

              Originally posted by SonicPixel
              Oops, wrong side of the bed this morning? lol

              not realy but i m sick of this little crappy storys how ther website went down blablabla it s like a soap sery wher the tunnel never meets the light

