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The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

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  • The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

    The Forgotten Hope 2 mod team has posted an update concerning their upcoming 2.15 release, complete with a release date and lots of sexy screenshots. Here's what they said:
    Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. This week we have a rather special update, because not only do we have a releasedate for patch 2.15, we also want to show off the last of the 2.15 content you haven't seen yet! Earlier this week we finished our first 2.15 release candidate. Although it did contain some bugs, we are confident we can iron them all out this week and have our long awaited patch ready to be released on...

    Friday the 5th of December, 2008 at 1900UTC

    The usual passworded torrent and serverfiles will be available on Wednesday the 3rd.

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

    One of the earliest maps planned for the Forgotten Hope 2 North African theater of war was The Fall of Tobruk. A map about the German capture of the city on June 21st, 1942. Many statics were made especially for this map, but unfortunately it could not be finished in time for the 2.0 or the 2.1 release. This week however, the map was finally finished and because it is a map we have all been looking forward to seeing in FH2 for nearly two years, we have made a special teaser trailer to show it off. The Fall of Tobruk was made by Lili Marlene, Fenring and Lobo and the unique statics, which are not used on any other map were made by Toddel, Malsa, Lobo, Knoffhoff, Smig and Digital Assassin. Extra credits go to Zero for the excellent research. The Tobruk Teaser Trailer was made by Bob Sacamano.

    <object width="425" height="290"><param name="movie" value=" 2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" 2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="290"></embed></object>

    You can read the full story, with more pictures of Fall of Tobruk as well as some weapons and vehicles, here.

  • #2
    Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

    great news, been waiting for this for a while now....all the more reason to wait for the new toys


    • #3
      Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

      nice guys, TBF should really post the youtube vid in the post


      • #4
        Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

        Excellent! Hopefully there wont be any problems with shaders etc this time round

        Also, that chruch looks almost exactly like the one in Mare Nostrum (RO mod), probably because its based on the same thing


        • #5
          Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

          Originally posted by Rhino View Post
          nice guys, TBF should really post the youtube vid in the post


          • #6
            Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

            Originally posted by AJED (G.Drew)
            Excellent! Hopefully there wont be any problems with shaders etc this time round

            Also, that chruch looks almost exactly like the one in Mare Nostrum (RO mod), probably because its based on the same thing
            Shaders problems can't be fixed. You have to do that manually, solutions are on forums. (I assumed you where talking about a blurry black and white screen when aiming)
            On the church, it's good that they look the same. Proofs that MN and FH2 are both historical correct


            • #7
              Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

              Nice teaser. Now I have to update BF2 to 1.41 though to get to play this mod. Which means no vBF2 anymore


              • #8
                Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

                Originally posted by Leopardi
                Nice teaser. Now I have to update BF2 to 1.41 though to get to play this mod. Which means no vBF2 anymore
                Why dont you backup BF2 v1, then update the normal one to v1.41, install FH2 (+ any other mods you want to), then when you want to play vBF2 v1, just revert back to your backup while also keeping BF2 v1.41 backed up, just switch between the 2, only requires a little more HDD space?


                • #9
                  Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

                  PR and FH2 is the only games you should play.BF2v is dead for me.No more stupid public!!:yay::yay::yay::thumbsup:


                  • #10
                    Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

                    Looks great guys! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
                    I will try it out as soon as possible.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.15, Part 1

                      :shock: Long time no see Pirelli

                      I really like FH2, this seems like it's gonna be a great update!

