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Allied Intent Xtended - Huge Map Pack Released

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  • Allied Intent Xtended - Huge Map Pack Released

    The Allied Intent Xtended mod team has posted an update showcasing a shiny new map pack for their recent 2.0 release.
    imtheheadhunter has done it again! Get ready for a huge map pack to compliment AIX 2.0 featuring some of your favourites and a couple of new ones, all taking advantage of the AIX 2.0 features and content! There are 30 maps included in this pack and they of course all feature 100% single player and coop support.

    A big thanks to imtheheadhunter for not only being an integral test team member but a tireless map maker who's many many hours of hard work are here on display for you to have fun with!

    Download - AIX v2.0 Map Pack

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

    You can check out previews of all the maps over at the AIX website.

  • #2
    Re: Allied Intent Xtended - Huge Map Pack Released

    Very nice.

    I always love headhunter's BF 1942 conversions.

    Replaying the classics is where it's at.


    • #3
      Re: Allied Intent Xtended - Huge Map Pack Released

      Here are the serverfiles for the mappack:
      Serverfiles AIX-V2_mappack_ITHH

      And here is a installer for those people having problems putting all in the correct place:
      Installer Clientfiles AIX-V2_mappack_ITHH

      see also -


      • #4
        Re: Allied Intent Xtended - Huge Map Pack Released

        Sweet I have been waiting on some new maps for v2.0 I am downloading them now and will have them added to our Custom AIX v2.0 bot server by this weekend....

        AIX v2.0 Custom w/bots IP

        Custom =DNR= variation of AIX v2.0
        Download =DNR= Custom AIX v2.0 file Here:
        *Use install instructions included with v1.0

