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Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

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  • Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

    The Allied Intent Xtended mod website has been updated today with a brand new teaser trailer for their upcoming v2.0 release. Watch it below:
    Welcome to another AIX news update! A lot has happened in the last 2 months and our dedicated test team has been hard at work finding all the things that we don't have the time to! So let me first dedicate this update to their tireless enthusiasm and for keeping us so busy we couldn't even update the website with any regularity!

    What is the purpose of this months update? Why, to hit you with a fresh 2.0 Teaser trailer, thats what! Utilizing all the hard work that the Dev team has put into AIX 2.0 in the last year, the team has created a new trailer that shows off many of the new features, vehicles and epic game play you can expect in the new version of AIX. Turn up your speakers and enjoy the ride. It might even reveal some much sought after information.

    <embed src="" width="450" height="330" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="file="></embed>

    That's right, AIX v2.0 will be released on November 15th! For more info be sure to visit their website.

  • #2
    Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

    SR-71 ? NO WAI JOSE.

    Luving it, will certainly be worth downloading.


    • #3
      Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

      James Howard Newton FTW! great mod and video :nod:.


      • #4
        Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

        very sweet guys, can't wait


        • #5
          Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

          Whoa, very nice work.


          • #6
            Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

            Downloading 1.0 now, should be interesting.


            • #7
              Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

              looks awesome guys, cant wait !!!!

              i just hoped you addressed the wall glitching problem.......


              • #8
                Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                Blackbird for life!


                • #9
                  Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                  AFAIK, the Blackbird was unreliable and is currently out of service.

                  But they are ****e cool anyways.


                  • #10
                    Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                    Lol reminds me of this


                    • #11
                      Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                      Apocalyptica are awesome great vid, cant wait for 2.0!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                        Originally posted by Vikaman View Post
                        AFAIK, the Blackbird was unreliable and is currently out of service.

                        But they are ****e cool anyways.
                        i'm trying to find words how to describe how stupid your reply was...

                        Half the crap in the game aint been used in real life, but then again....this isnt real life is it?

                        Back to the trailer: Although the mod is so sexy i could cream myself, why oh why do the mod teams lack in the trailer department, your trying to sell your mod not ruin it, if you didn't show the blackbird i doubt anyone would have said, nice, great mod can't wait :shock:

                        I said same to the PR team, they have a brilliant all time great mod and trailers that wouldn't sell heaven to a dead person. You gotta grip the hearts of the fans, 5 minutes of nothing, thats what i just watched, would i want to download this mod if i didnt already know about it...hmm no... You can pile as much special effects in as you want, the end product will still look crap because theres no heart.

                        Theres 3 weeks left before the release, you could of used half of that time creating something spectacular. A Trailer needs a story, when you watch a movie trailer what do you see, you see snippets of the story building into something great and then they leave you on edge wanting more.

                        The original BF2 and BF2 special forces trailers, what were they? BF2, the PLA taking over the oil fields, thats a story unfolding there, what about BF2 SF, whats that, its the special forces group taking over the stronghold on devils perch, a story right there. Story is what you need, not aload of crap that makes no sense slapped together with some effects thrown in and a poor choice of music.

                        Anyway thats my rant, now for some irony, the mod looks great, im looking forward to it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                          Originally posted by Blood-Hound View Post
                          Back to the trailer: Although the mod is so sexy i could cream myself, why oh why do the mod teams lack in the trailer department, your trying to sell your mod not ruin it, if you didn't show the blackbird i doubt anyone would have said, nice, great mod can't wait :shock:

                          I said same to the PR team, they have a brilliant all time great mod and trailers that wouldn't sell heaven to a dead person. You gotta grip the hearts of the fans, 5 minutes of nothing, thats what i just watched, would i want to download this mod if i didnt already know about it...hmm no... You can pile as much special effects in as you want, the end product will still look crap because theres no heart.
                          ehhh, I don't remember you saying anything like that to us but if you think you can do better why don't you offer to make trailers for the mod teams? I tried clicking your links in your sig to see if there was any videos there but one link brought up a more or less blank site and the other wasn't there....

                          I thought the AI-X trailer was pretty good tbh and most people call me over critical on them, main bits which I thought where bad was showing too much of the same thing and shots showing some bad bits of the engine etc but overall I thought it was pretty well done.

                          Again, most of the people who make these mod trailers are modellers / coders who have other work to be doing at the same time...


                          • #14
                            Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer

                            What are you on about Blood-Hound, that was a well cut and well put together trailer, showed clearly their new content and a general feel of the mod. Mod trailers generally wont be story orientated as they are trying to show content and BF2 is not a 'story' game.


                            • #15
                              Re: Allied Intent Xtended v2.0 Teaser Trailer


                              Teaser trailers for 'sandbox' games like Battlefield don't need stories, I want to see the goodies! "Show your Hind-E!" should be the chant... lol

                              That's not an SR-71 but the unimplemented superfighter based off the same reference design. There's a fictional "Firefox" superfighter, too. =)

